GetCPUInfo() |
void GetCPUInfo( struct TagItem * tagList ); void GetCPUInfoTags( TAG tag, ... );
Provides information about selected processor in the system
Function takes an array of tags. Data is returned for each tag. See specific tag description. There is a control tag CGIT_SelectedProcessor.
GCIT_SelectedProcessor - (ULONG) When this tag is set correctly, information about choosen processor is provided. If this tag is missing or this tag has invalid value, information about first processor is returned. GCIT_NumberOfProcessors - (ULONG *) Provides the number of processors present in the system. GCIT_ModelString - (CONST_STRPTR *) Provides the name of the model of the processor. The string is considered read-only. GCIT_Family - (ULONG *) Provides designation of processor family using one of the CPUFAMILY_XXX values. GCIT_VectorUnit - (ULONG *) Provides designation of available vectory unit using one of the VECTORTYPE_XXX values. GCIT_Architecture - (ULONG *) Provides designation of processor architecture using one of the PROCESSORARCH_XXX values. GCIT_Endianness - (ULONG *) Provides designation of current processor endianness using one of the ENDIANNESS_XXX values. GCIT_ProcessorSpeed - (UQUAD *) Provides the current CPU speed in Hz GCIT_FrontsideSpeed - (UQUAD *) Provides the current FSB speed in Hz GCIT_ProcessorLoad - (ULONG *) Provides the current CPU load (0-0xffffffff) Cache sizes - (ULONG *) Following tags are used to retrieve size of specified caches. GCIT_L1CacheSize GCIT_L1DataCacheSize GCIT_L1InstructionCacheSize GCIT_L2CacheSize GCIT_L3CacheSize Size is returned in kB. GCIT_CacheLineSize - (ULONG *) Provides the size of cache line in bytes. In case these sizes differ per cache level, the smallest size if provided. Features - (BOOL *) Following tags are used to check availability of certain features. The result is always a boolean. GCIT_SupportsFPU GCIT_SupportsAltiVec GCIT_SupportsVMX GCIT_SupportsMMX GCIT_SupportsMMXEXT GCIT_Supports3DNOW GCIT_Supports3DNOWEXT GCIT_SupportsSSE GCIT_SupportsSSE2 GCIT_SupportsSSE3 GCIT_SupportsSSSE3 GCIT_SupportsSSE41 GCIT_SupportsSSE42 GCIT_SupportsSSE4A GCIT_SupportsVME GCIT_SupportsPSE GCIT_SupportsPAE GCIT_SupportsCX8 GCIT_SupportsAPIC GCIT_SupportsCMOV GCIT_SupportsPSE36 GCIT_SupportsCLFSH GCIT_SupportsACPI GCIT_SupportsFXSR GCIT_SupportsHTT GCIT_SupportsCX16 GCIT_SupportsVirtualization GCIT_SupportsNoExecutionBit GCIT_Supports64BitMode GCIT_SupportsMSR