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Allows AmigaDOS scripts to have access to the EasyRequest() function
for input.
TITLE - The text to display in the title bar of the requester.
BODY - The text to display in the body of the requester.
GADGETS - The text for each of the buttons.
PUBSCREEN - The name of the public screen to open the requester
Standard DOS return codes.
RequestChoice "This is a title" "This is*Na body" Okay|Cancel
This is self-explanitory, except for the "*N". This is the
equivalent of using a '\n' in C to get a newline in the body
of the requester. This requester will open on the Workbench
RequestChoice Title="This is a title" Body="This is*Na body"
Gadgets=Okay|Cancel PubScreen=DOPUS.1
This will do exactly the same as before except that it will
open on the Directory Opus public screen.
To place a newline into the body of the requester use *n or *N.
To place a quotation mark in the body of the requester use *".
The CLI template gives the GADGETS option as ALWAYS given; this
is different from the original program. This way, we do not have
to check to see if the gadgets have been given.