Archivio notizie per 2002
AROS mascot
Author: | Daniel Holmen |
Date: | 2002-12-02 |
AROS has gained a mascot, and a rather sexy one I must add. See the images
So, Happy Birthday, Kitty!
Huge thanks go to Eric W. Schwartz for drawing her for us!
IRC channels moved
Author: | Daniel Holmen |
Date: | 2002-10-30 |
The AROS irc channels have now been moved to Freenode. You can connect here
by using (it picks a random server) or find a server on
The Freenode net is also used by most open source projects, so we're hoping a
lot of people who found it too much of a hassle to join us on EFnet will do it
This IRC net supports longer nicknames, nick registration and a lot of other
things aswell.
The channel name is the same: #aros
Join #aros on today!
The snapshots are back!
Author: | Fabio Alemagna |
Date: | 2002-10-20 |
The AROS Snapshots are back!
That's right folks, since today you can download again the daily snapshots of
the sources and binaries of AROS, here.
However, remember that the AROS team doesn't officially support these
snapshots, they are given to you "as is", although bug reports are very
welcome and should be submitted using the bug tracker, and patches should
be submitted using the patch tracker (dead link removed).
Author: | Daniel Holmen |
Date: | 2002-09-14 |
We've been mentioned in a news item (dead link removed) at OSNews.
Sebastian Heutling implemented an intuition-based boot menu on AROS/x86 native.
You can now choose to boot with or without executing the startup-sequence. The
plans for this menu also include enabling HIDD switching at boot time.
Georg Steger fixed some text formatting bugs in graphics.library. He also
renamed con-handler to con.handler to be consistent, and implemented
eac_MatchString/MatchFunc in ExAll (DOS). He added an assign HOME: in AROS/linux
to point to the current user's home directory.
Adam Chodorowski started porting the Font Prefs to Zune.
Author: | Daniel Holmen |
Date: | 2002-09-03 |
Georg Steger implemented basic KingCON-like filename completion in Shell. He
also added a font preview box to the font requester.
Martin "Mason" Merz has made even more icons for us! This time he's
contributed with some icons for Prefs and Tools programs.
Author: | Daniel Holmen |
Date: | 2002-08-04 |
Sebastian Bauer has been working on Wanderer, our file manager/Workbench clone.
A limited set of features has been implemented, but browsing files can finally
be done graphically in AROS!!! He also made a small test program for lwIP.
Martin "Mason" Merz has made some more icons. This time 4-color images for
default icons.
Staf Verhaegen worked some more on Regina (the base for our AREXX). He added
message handling support, and also a couple of functions (STATEF and SHOWDIR) to
Henrik Berglund ported the VBCC compiler to AROS.
Sebastian Heutlin continued working on our HDToolBox. It now has a Zune user
interface - and it works (if you know what you are doing that is).
Fabio Alemagna did some fixing in the filesystems and handlers. He also did some
cleaning up in the startup code, and some extensions to our CLIB.
Georg Steger fixed an IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW bug in intuition.library, and also
a bug in C:Rename.
Stefan Berger did some more work on the Palm port.
Henning Kiel updated ABCM2PS to version 3.1.4.
A backdrop image called FuturisticBubbles was contributed by Alien / Paradox.
Author: | Daniel Holmen |
Date: | 2002-08-04 |
No, we aren't dead yet...
Since it's been such a long time since the last news update, I thought I'd just
sum up the most significant updates since the last post here. We'll try to get
the news updated a bit more frequently in the future.
First, some general news. We decided to go with Zune as our main GUI toolkit, so
most of the prefs programs, tools and other things will be implemented in Zune.
Fabio Alemagna has started porting the GCC compiler, and extending our Clib
a bit in the process. Currently the compiler and preprocessor work.
Paul "Smithy" Smith has been working on a Zune-based Workbench.
Ola "4pLaY" Jensen convinced Martin "Mason" Merz to make
some icons for our Workbench, and also replacements for the gadget icons.
Sebastian Bauer and David le Corfec have been steadily working on Zune. They had
some bugfixing/cleaning help from Georg Steger and Fabio Alemagna aswell.
Sebastian Bauer continued porting the lwIP stack. He implemented
a bsdsocket.library, but unfortunately it doesn't compile on AROS yet.
Staf Verhaegen imported version 3.0 of Regina, and continued working on our
"ARexx" implementation.
Stefan Berger did some more work on the Palm port.
Georg Steger worked on the input prefs program, adding a test string gadget for
keyboard and various things in the mouse page. He also integrated back some
clipboard changes from the MorphOS team, and added some IFF-ILBM country flag
images for Locale prefs.
Adam Chodorowski fixed the startup-sequence so that the shell window isn't
opened before IPrefs is run. The font settings now work. He also fixed various
issues in the build system and cleaned up a lot of files.
Sebastian Heutling re-ported AmiCDROM, multiple drives and media change should
now work properly.
And finally, Adam Chodorowski and Daniel Holmen have been working on something
exciting. We won't tell you what it is yet, but you'll notice soon enough.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-05-20 |
Staf Verhaegen continued to work on Regina, our replacement for ARexx.
He also made the AROS build system more flexible by allowing our
Makefile generator to add IDs to the some templates. This way,
several versions of CFLAGS can be used in the same Makefile, for
Sebastian Bauer focused on the text.class of Zune and improved the list and
image classes. There is now a simple cache for datatypes. The image class
can now load pictures and brushes via datatypes. He also started to work
on the Zune prefs program. You can already set the fonts with it
and windows now have a background. To make NList classes work, he
began to work on the MCC (MUI Custom Classes) API.
Adam Chodorowski fixed a bug in the build system (TARGET_ARCH should be
AROS_TARGET_ARCH because the former is used in some implicit rules of
GNU Make).
Georg Steger added lots of images of flags in IFF ILBM format of various
countries to be used in the locale.library. He also worked on porting
the NList MUI classes to AROS' Zune. Keyboard settings in the Input
prefs should work now and he worked a bit on the Mouse prefs.
Henrik Berglund began porting the lwIP TCP/IP stack.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-05-18 |
Before I turn to the other batch of news which has accumulated over the
last month: Our machine is going to be moved once more and that means it's
going to be unavailable for a few days (I guess you're already used to this;
it happened once or twice every year :-)
So don't worry when doesn't work after 22.05.2002. It will be up
again, soon.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-05-10 |
Staf Verhaegen implemented some more ARexx functions: IMPORT, EXPORT,
STORAGE, SHOW, PRAGMA and EXISTS. Our c.lib now supports on_exit().
Sebastian Bauer fixed some bugs in Zune to make more of AMosaic work.
Fabio Alemagna worked some more on the build system.
Georg Steger made Soliton work with IFF files because we now have an
Stefan Berger continued to cleanup the usage of Sys-/DOSBase at various
places in order to make AROS ROM-able.
David Le Corfec, a new developer, started to help with Zune. He wrote a
small test program and implemented the vertical gauge.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-05-02 |
Staf Verhaegen continued to work on RexxMast (RXADDFH, RXADDLIB and RXREMLIB
work now). Some more ARexx structures were added. The list of available
functions can be searched and it's possible to call AROS libraries
directly from Rexx code.
Iain Templeton made some Makefiles more easy to use. He also commited
lots of ANSI C header files or improved existing ones. Together with
Adam Chodorowski, he solved a hen-and-egg problem with the new
signal.h file: This file is included while compiling Exec. Unfortunately,
Exec must be compiled with AROS header files except for this one place
where we need to access the hosts' signal functions.
After this change, many Makefiles had to be adjusted.
Sebastian Bauer rewrote all the necessary include files for MUI because
we had to delete the exiting ones because they were copied from MUI38dev.
Adam Chodorowski merged our Python port with Python 2.2.1 and began porting
Lua 4.0. From the README: Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language
designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a
general-purpose, stand-alone language.
Georg Steger made Lazymines compile again and worked some more on
diskfont.library. If the native version is caught in a CPU trap,
it will now print the CPU registers. He began to work on the ILBM
Fabio Alemagna updated the credits.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-04-20 |
For your information: Stefan Stuntz, the original author of MUI, had
contacted us to notify us that we had a file which was (almost)
a verbatim copy from his MUI38dev.lha archive from Aminet. We removed
that file by his request and wrote our own version. In the course
of this event, Adam Chodorowski fixed the copyright notices of the
Zune files to mention the original developer David Le Corfec, if
we used his versions, and the AROS Development Team.
We hope that this unpleasant situation is now fixed by these actions.
Please note that we really try to not use copyrighted files from
other persons but errors do happen. If you see that we did steal
work from someone else, please tell us so that we can ask for
permission to use the file or remove it. Thanks :-)
Sebastian Heutling fixed bugs in HDToolBox.
Adam Chodorowski made sure the correct Startup-Sequence is used when
building for CDROM image or for floppy.
Staf Verhaegen fixed more compiler warnings. Regina can now send
RexxMsgs to Amiga message ports. He wrote a simple RexxMast
which provides the REXX MessagePort and is now adding the usual
functionality to this program.
Henning Kiel made sure that the Solaris port doesn't break the nightly
builds. RABLe, a small paint program, compiles now. He also fixed
many compiler warnings.
Fabio Alemagna added datatypes.library the list of libraries which
are automatically opened if needed. There is also now some support for
crosscompiling AROS (currently only used to feed some useful options
to GCC). He used his new tool to make gtlayout compile.
Georg Steger made demowin work again and began working on bullet (outline)
routines. diskfont.library now kicks unused fonts out of the system
if the memory gets low. We now have AbortAslRequest().
Daniel Holmen worked a bit on our NVidia.hidd.
Sebastian Bauer worked on the popasl Zune class which now partly works.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-04-16 |
Georg Steger improved diskfont.library and AMosaic.
Matt Parsons fixed mistakes in the user docs.
Fabio Alemagna fixed compiler warnings in the asl.library and the
Sebastian Bauer continued to work on Zune.
Henning Kiel fixed many MetaTargets (used by the mmake building tool).
Iain Templeton imported a new version of the m.lib (math link library).
Adam Chodorowski started to port AROS to the Solaris platform!
Sebastian Heutling fixed a bug which prevented AROS to boot from the CD image.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-04-13 |
Sebastian Heutling added direct SCSI command support to the IDE driver
and AddBootNode() now works. Bootable partitions are now checked and
added in the boot-strap code using the partition.library.
He also added a new tool called HDTool which installer scripts
can use to find out potential install hard disks, potential install partitions
or modify the partition table from a script (for example for an automated
setup which needs to prepare a harddrive for AROS). The bootblock
installer for AROS i386/Native now uses grubs stage2 preset-menu feature
and some other cleanups.
Johan Grip enhanced the serial debug option in configure which now
reads --with-serial-debug=(1|2|no), allowing you to select COM1 or COM2 or no
Georg Steger improved the way the bitmap depths are handled at various
places and fixed some debug code. The MUI-game "Soliton" was ported
to AROS by him.
Staf Verhaegen fixed a bug in the setup of rexxsyslib.library and cleaned
many compiler warnings.
Sebastian Bauer and Georg Steger continued to work on Zune.
Sebastian Bauer ported MUIMine, a mine-sweeper clone.
Henning Kiel worked a bit on the workbench.library and LoadWB(). The installer
now knows "exists".
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-04-10 |
Thanks to Fabio Alemagna, the shell window which gets opened when you use
"Execute Command" now stays open until you close it so you can actually use
Staf Verhaegen worked some more on RexxSysLib.library.
Georg Steger implemented PGA_NotifyBehaviour and PGA_RenderBehaviour
in gadget.class. The behaviour of the propg.class can now be configured
with this to behave like on the Amiga or in a "nice" way. The
default (if you don't specify anything) is "nice". The GUI of Font
prefs was improved. Many bugs in diskfont.library were fixed.
There will soon be a program to convert TrueType fonts into Amiga/AROS
bitmap fonts to use them with diskfont.library without having to convert
them (ie. you can open these fonts in all sizes without having .font files
for them on disk).
A bug in ReadArgs() (the flags /K/A didn't work correctly) was fixed, too.
Matt Parsons updated the AROS User Guide. Some debug statements in the
screen blanker were removed. Our LoadWB has now an About menu item which
prominently shows the names of the AROS developers. Credit where credit is
due :-)
Henning Kiel, Fabio Alemagna and Georg Steger ... helped ... Matt with
LoadWB ;-) (Note: That's an internal joke and only for the records... ahem).
Did you notice? No Zune in the last post. Of course, Sebastian Bauer wasn't
idling around. He just didn't commit :-)
Sebastian Heutling added a program to install GRUB with RDB support.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-04-06 |
Henning Kiel added a <b>very</b> simple Workbench. No Icons and stuff, only a
window with a menu where you can open a New Shell or execute a command.
Georg Steger worked a bit on our FreeType support. He also added a workaround
for scrolling damage in MultiView which didn't work correctly because
GMORE_SCROLLRASTER is not fully implemented yet in AROS. And a bug in
Font prefs was fixed. Some changes by the MorphOS team to our GadTools.library
were merged into our sources.
Staf Verhaegen continued to fill RexxSysLib.library with code.
Fabio Alemagna fixed bugs in MoveRaster(). Also the code to automatically
detach a program from the shell has new features: The code can now tell
the detacher to wait for a signal before it actually does its thing (so you
can do some error checking first and detach only if everything was successful)
and you can specify the name of the new process. IPrefs and LoadWB use these
features, now. CON: windows opened with AUTO will now close themselves on EOF.
Sebastian Heutling continued to work on HDToolBox and the partition.library.
Our patch to GRUB can now read RDBs, too, and there is no space after the
filename if you use tab-completion, anymore.
Matt Parsons added LoadWB to S:Startup-Sequence.
Iain Templeton fixed a couple of small bugs.
Adam Chodorowski added a completely functional virus scanner to AROS
(well, in a mathematical sense, at least: Since there are no virii on AROS,
it just prints 'Scanning ... No viruses were found!' ;-)
Henning Kiel did some cleanups.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-04-01 |
We are currently in the process of designing a very valuable API which will
help to convince Windows users to change to AROS: The virus.library. The new
API will allow you to conveniently crash the computer at random intervals,
delete all files on the harddisk or only those which the user did create
(allows for plugins so the various programs can register these files) and send
viruses to all your friends.
There will be a prefs item to disable the library so power users will not need
to worry about all this and PC lusers get that irritating feeling that they
seem to need that their work can get lost at any time.
Georg Steger worked on some bugs in the graphics.library. He also helped
porting AMosaic.
Sebastian Bauer did the Zune :-) He also made our port of AMosaic compile
on Amiga with Zune (our MUI rewrite).
Henning Kiel fixed a bug which broke the nightly build.
Iain Templeton improved the code in utility.library to pack/unpack structure
tags and fixed a lot of header files if AROS is compiled with USE_CPAK=no
and source file where headers were not included correctly.
Sebastian Heutling worked some more in HDToolBox. A bug in the cycle gadgets
was found by him and fixed. Our partition.library has now support to read
and write RDBs! He also back-ported our HDToolBox to the Amiga. Our code
can now even read PC formatted HDs on the Amiga (i.e. it knows MBRs and RDBs!).
Now, are we cool or what?
Staf Verhaegen started working on the RexxSysLib.library.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-03-29 |
Sebastian Bauer added lots of code to Zune (our Open Source MUI clone).
Soliton can now be played. He also imported the NList sources and made
them work on Amiga. Porting this to AROS is being done in the next few days.
Fabio Alemagna fixed a bug in the code which tries to identify the
version of the GCC which is being used.
Henning Kiel added makedir and execute to our version of the Installer. And he
fixed more compile problems in AMosaic. AMosaic compiles, now, but doesn't do
much as of yet. The build tools which are used to compile AROS from source are
now also compiled for AROS itself. These can then be used in our furure
development environment. We now have stpsym(), stccpy(), tmpnam() (c.lib)
Georg Steger fixed a bug in the BuildEasyRequestArgs() which failed
when images were used in the buttons. He also committed
ModifyIcon, a little tool by Dirk Stoecker, which can load and save
old style, NewIcon, 3.5 icons without using icon.library. We can use
code in it to add 3.5/NewIcon icon support to our icon.library.
And he improved some build issues with Zune.
Sebastian Bauer does the Zune ;-) He uses the Maxon compiler on the
Amiga which has resource tracking to fix the memory leaks (or should
I say, he plugs them? ;-)
Staf Verhaegen worked some more in our ARexx interpreter Regina.
Adam Chodorowski adds Package-Startup and Package-Shutdown scripts
to all packages like Zune and BGUI which set the correct paths, etc.
These can then be used when setting up these packages during boot.
The shutdown script removes all created assigns, paths, etc.
Sebastian Heutling committed a test program for the partition.library.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-03-24 |
Henning Kiel made it possible that you can compile AROS for several targets
at once without a "make clean" in between. Some more errors when building
AMosaic were fixed.
Sebastian Bauer continued to work on Zune. :-)
Fabio Alemagna improved the C:Path command.
Georg Steger added the semaphore.class to Zune, the bitmap.class and the
Staf Verhaegen updated string formatting for random numbers in Regina.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-03-21 |
Sebastian Heutling made the partition.library update the MBR when it should.
Adam Chodorowski fixed a path in the makefiles for BGUI. Everything is not
installed under SYS:Contrib/BGUI/. He also fixed some paths in Zune (Open Source
MUI clone).
Sebastian Bauer continued to work on Zune (sounds like nothing but in fact,
most of the commits in the last days are from him :-) If he continues to work
at this pace, we'll have Zune tackled before summer!
Henning Kiel made more files from AMosaic compile on AROS. Also Zune will now
copy its header files into the correct places and programs which depend on
them can use the usual include paths and need not use Zune's private headers.
Staf Verhaegen added ARexx formats to the DATE function of Regina.
Georg Steger made WriteChunkyPixels()/WritePixelArray8() do nothing on
hi-/truecolor screens if there is no LUT. The gfx.hidd now supports the
method HIDD_BM_PutImageLUT() which fixes a bug in the PPM datatype.
There is now also a HIDD_BM_GetImageLUT() method and some bugs in
picture.datatype were fixed. Image handling of images passed to gadgets
with GA_Image is now handled as on the Amiga.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-03-17 |
A screenshot of a test Zune (Open Source MUI clone) application has
been added to the screenshots page. Check it out!
Fabio Alemagna improved locale.library and added some code to the init
file for GDB to help debugging AROS. He also fixed a couple of
bugs when compiling Zune for AROS. And the macro AROS_ALMOST_COMPATIBLE
(which activates some nice, handy macros) is not necessary, anymore.
This means that you either must not use these macros for when you
write something that should work on the Amiga or you must copy them
into an extra header file.
Henning Kiel added some more options to configure (--enable-cpak and
Sebastian Bauer worked some more on Zune.
Georg Steger fixed a bug in the makefile for UAE and in notify of
Zune. He also made the code which handles mutual exclude menu
items work more closely like the Amiga original and rewrote
Staf Verhaegen made the STRIP function accept more than one character.
Adam Chodorowski added a file BUILDING which contains instructions how
to build AROS from sources where INSTALL should focus more on installing
a binary distribution.
Henrik Berglund added AMosaic (a web browser) to out contrib tree.
Henning Kiel started to port it to AROS.
Stefan Berger continued to work on his Palm(tm) port of AROS. There is now
an irq.- and a serial.hidd.
Johan Grip fixed a bug in the IDE driver.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-03-13 |
Stefan Berger and Georg Steger are working on the Palm port. It already
boots xcopilot and POSE off a ROM image and displays some windows at
incredible speeds: The Screen bars's title "Workbench Screen" is drawn
at 5 sec. per char. ;-). Obviously the graphics driver needs some
improvement - right now, everything is done only via PutPixel() and GetPixel().
Zune is steadily but constantly improving, thanks to Sebastian Bauer.
Much more classes are done and working now! Zune is being developed on AmigaOS,
rather than AROS, and this means two important things:
- The AROS compatibility with the AmigaOS API is tested and improved.
- Soon AmigaOS will get an Open Source clone of MUI. :)
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-03-10 |
Henning Kiel has changed the build system so that you can have multiple
targets in one tree. Also different host configurations in one tree are
now supported.
Sebastian Heutling has committed his new partition.library and a new
HDToolBox which uses the library to access/modify the partition table.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-03-09 |
Iain Templeton fixed init() functions of the libraries to use proper
macros for arguments.
Stefan Berger implemented Clib's sig#?set() functions.
Adam Chodorowski merged in the latest Python 2.2 sources.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-02-27 |
Georg Steger fixed a possible deadlock in intuition. He also added
Mouse Wheel support to AROS which can be seen in More, ASL
requesters and JanoEditor, for example. Text() now respects kerning
for monospace fonts. Next, he began porting freedom, a truetype font
engine which complies to the Bullet API.
Sebastian Bauer continued to work on Zune. Drag&Drop works now.
David Somerton worked some more on his PASCAL compiler.
Adam Chodorowski began porting Python 2.2 to AROS.
Iain Templeton fixed a bug in the build of AROS Native/x86 (the
tar archive which contains the initial file system was created with
the wrong options).
Staf Verhaegen added more ARexx-specific stuff to Regina.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-02-22 |
Sebastian Bauer continued to work on Zune (Open Source GUI
framework compatible with MUI). It compiles and a few classes
actually do something useful.
Staf Verhaegen did implement the div() and ldiv() C functions.
Henning Kiel added a couple of stub functions in c.lib so makedepend
compiles on AROS. Makedepend is now part of the default build.
Also, he worked a bit on the GNU tools ports.
Georg Steger fixed a couple of bugs in the code which gets and puts
images (bitmaps) and closed a few holes in Zune. He fixed a deadlock
in intuition, made scrolling with the arrow keys in More useful (did
scroll at insane speeds) and fixed a notification issue in MultiView.
David Somerton fixed a bug in nasm and added a test-program to test if it
works. There is a now a script which generates the assembler bindings
for the AROS libraries.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-02-18 |
Henning Kiel fixed the copying of the README file for the Native/x86
Staf Verhaegen implemented more internal ARexx functions (B2C and C2B)
and updated the TODO list for Regina.
Sasu Purola has committed FreePascal, a PASCAL compiler. It's m68k only
for now.
Georg Steger fixed handling of drag/resize gadgets. Custom replacements
for these gadgets should work, now. Also, the demos for BGUI should
work again (they were not linked against all necessary libraries). He
optimized MoveSizeLayer() a bit and fixed a couple of bugs in
hyperlayers.library. AttemptSemaphoreShared() works, now, and some
small things in text.class, ascii.class and the palette requester
of ReqTools were fixed.
David Somerton made the console more compatible with what the RKRM says
and optimized handling of linefeeds. He also ported GNU flex which is
necessary for the GNU binutils.
Sebastian Bauer enhanced our text.datatype. Now supports proportional fonts
properly and marking multiple lines is nicer plus some bugfixes. Also,
MultiView will now pop up a filerequester if the argument is a directory.
Adam Chodorowski fixed more problems in the OpenBSD build, improved
the standard Startup-Sequence and created one for the bootable CD-ROM version
(which you can find on the SourceForge pages, hint hint). Also,
since Python 2.2 is now out, he did update our version.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-02-12 |
Adam Chodorowski fixed a compiler warning and added another RFC about homedirs
(actually, a verbatim copy of (dead link removed)).
Staf Verhaegen fixed some warnings in Regina and started implementing the ARexx
Georg Steger updated JanoEditor and improved AllocBitMap() and some
BOOPSI functions in Intuition. Also, thanks to him, C:List is now
finished. A bug in NameFromLock() was fixed by him, too.
Stefan Berger made some changes to his Palm port to work with the new
build process. Mungwall must be inactive for the Palm port and AROS
gets more RAM and Stack on Palm.
Iain Templeton and Henning Kiel made AROS compile once more in FreeBSD.
David Somerton began porting bfd.lib and binutils. Maybe there will
be a development kit on AROS Native/x86, soon ?
Henning Kiel made the nightly build script work with the new build process.
Emmanuel Lesueur fixed a typo in DisplayBeep().
Michael Schulz began on working on an accelerated driver for nVidia.
Drawing filled rectangles works well, now, rest will work, too, soon.
Johan Alfredsson fixed a bug with the count of the number of blocks in
Fabio Alemagna fixed a bug in close().
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-02-09 |
Stefan Berger continued to work on AROS Native/Dragonball (Palm, that is :-))
He mostly cleaned things and made them more similar to the way AROS
Native/x86 does it.
Georg Steger fixed a bug in the build of UAE (cpuopti doesn't like the
additional code generated when the assembler files are created with -g).
He added a script called "startsomedemos" which starts nine (9!)
demos and places them on the screen in such a way that you can see
all of them (more of less if you have only 800x600). On a 1.4GHz
Athlon all nine run pretty smoothly :-) To achieve this, he added
options to all demos to specify where they should open their windows.
And, most importantly, AROS windows on X11 have now their own icon!
Adam Chodorowski began moving the generated contrib files to SYS:Contrib/
(from C: or SYS:Utilities/).
Johan Alfredsson wrote AddVBlankInt() and RemVBlankInt() in the
Sebastian Heutling added a REMTAIL macro, fixed a lot of bugs in dos.library,
and in related code. The targets for configure are now renamed. native-i386
has become pc-i386, pp-m68k has been added (Palm with Dragonball CPU).
Many mmakefiles have been changed to use the new names.
Johan Grip changed some bits in the IDE driver to make BOCHS happy.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-02-05 |
Johan Grip updated the PCI bus scanning algorithm. Only scans the present buses
instead of all 256 now. It also has proper handling of multifunction devices.
He also worked on fixing some bugs which make BOCHS frown upon AROS.
David Somerton improved linking in the macros in make.tmpl.
Georg Steger fixed a few bugs which made the nightly build fail and removed
some globals in the x11.hidd. He also moved a lot of the code in config/hidd/#?
back into the graphics.library. He started to move the gfx function
implementations out of graphics_driver.c back into the actual library
functions. Finally, he found a solution to make the Opaque utility use
MoveWindow() instead of ChangeWindowBox() without having these
relative-coords problems and he improved the locking during refreshs
by the app and intuition as the autodocs suggest.
Adam Chodorowski added a directory with RFCs (Requests for Comments).
These documents are used in the internet to create new standards. They
explain a problem and a solution which can be commented. This way, the
solution is enhanced until it can be implemented properly. He also
cleaned the contents files for the docs.
Stefan Berger made some improvements to his Palm port and began working
on an IRQ.hidd. This does basically the same things as Exec but it will
allow us to hide the ugly details of the hardware from Exec.
Iain Templeton removed the global debug flags and changed the autoconfig
files to use the flags in make.opts as they should. He also fixed a 64bit
bug in the c.lib.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-02-01 |
Georg Steger fixed a bug in CopyBox of the gfx.hidd to omit a few pixels. He
also tried to fix the bugs which prevent AROS from booting if you have two
CDROM drives.
David Somerton fixed a bug in the HexDump utility.
Henning Kiel fixed typos and updated the status.
Staf Verhaegen fixed a multithreading bug in Regina and various other
bugs (cleanup is now always done, some memory was not freed correctly).
Aaron Digulla fixed the inter-page link generation of the web site.
Johan Grip worked some more on the pci.hidd.
Adam Chodorowski began porting AROS to OpenBSD/i386.
Michael Schulz released his first version of an nVidia driver and made good use
of the pci.hidd with it. Georg Steger helped him to sort out some bugs.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-27 |
It seems that you're out there are quite happy with our move to SourceForge.
At least, there had been 475 downloads totalling to 4GB of bandwidth. I sure
do hope SF doesn't mind :-) And that you like what you got !
Daniel Holmen added a Norwegian translation to JanoEditor.
Michael Schulz added a brand new PCI.hidd which can scan the PCI bus and allows
apps to query for devices. He has begun to write on something he calls
"nvidia.hidd" whatever that might be. ;-) Not much code but should work on all
cards from the Riva 128 to the GeForce2 and Quadro and maybe more.
Georg Steger fixed a couple of problems in the DOS code and in the startup code
which should not try to examine the commandline if the app was started via the
workbench.library. He also improved JanoEdit (catalogs are generated, now and
some small fixes for AROS).
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-21 |
Michael Schulz finally fixed the VGA.hidd to use the correct method to find out
the sync values when creating visible bitmap. He also deleted the obsolete old
vga driver.
Aaron Digulla moved the really old news onto pages of their own.
Georg Steger committed some very old work of him: PUI, a GUI engine similar to
MUI but based on Intuition gadgets. Pretty incomplete but maybe nice as an
example. Next, he began ported JanoEditor, a nice text editor. It's included in
the default build which means that is has become pretty simple to port software
to AROS. :-)
Zune did break the nightly build, so Adam Chodorowski disabled it for now. He
also copied all bugs from our BUGS list into the SourceForce bug tracker and
fixed compile problems on OpenBSD.
A new developer joined our forces: David Somerton. He began porting nasm, GNU
ld and the necessary libraries. Maybe there will be a native development
environment, soon!
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-20 |
Georg Steger fixed the IDCMP_RAWKEY IntuiMessages which were completely wrong
(the field IAddress must contain a pointer to the prevCodeQuals).
Paul Huxham committed Zune 1.0 which is a free replacement for MUI and began
porting it.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-17 |
The big news of the day? Look at this URL:
Yes, AROS is now one of the many, many, many (more than 32000 last time I
looked) projects on SourceForge! That means we can probably solve many of our
bandwidth problems. :-) You can find the normal SourceForge project page
here. We're now integrating most of the links and stuff from our own homepage
into the SF system.
Georg Steger continued to port changes by Stephan Rupprecht back into AROS.
This time, it's the OS 3.9 gradientslider. Also, a bug in InstallClipRegion()
was fixed. He added a safety check in the ReqTools file requester to prevent a
possible recursive hook call and several other bugfixes in there. Our ReqTools
is now V39.4.
Adam Chodorowski overworked the build of Python for AROS (only one big
MMakefile is used now which is more flexible and clean than what we had
Henning Kiel fixed a the build script for adflib to work on Cygwin and made the
build process less verbose.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-13 |
Stefan Berger renamed the Palm target to m68k-pp-native to avoid trademark
troubles and did some cleanups. He also removed the global DOSBase symbol.
Henning Kiel updated the instructions how to build AROS in Cygwin.
Georg Steger merged back in changes from Stephan Rupprecht's AmigaOS colorwheel
44.7. CON: window use now DOS processes created with CreateNewProc(). He also
committed two new graphics demos (BlackHole and Metaballs). We have now a
keymap file for British keyboards and the numpad point in German keymaps has
been fixed.
Adam Chodorowski cleaned the status file of his Python port and improved the
build of False. He updated FAQ item #20 (AROS Programming languages). The
output of the %compile_q macro will now leave relative paths alone making the
output better suited to find the offending file.
Peter Eriksson committed V0.14 of Font prefs which contains numerous changes
over the last version.
Sven Drieling updated the misc summary.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-10 |
Georg Steger activated OOP_ObtainAttrBases in the graphics.hidd again. The X11
driver will now succeed even if XSHM initialization failed (allows to use AROS
over a remote display). He also improved the code for the embedded and
non-embedded AROS shell commands. H&P gave us a copy of their OS 3.9 C:SetENV
command so we can adjust our code to get our version in sync.
Stefan Berger added a new #define AROS_NOFPU which is set if there is no FPU
available (for example on PDAs) and removed access for a static variable if
AROS is compiled for ROM. The global SysBase has been moved from layers_init.c
into exec_init.c where you would expect it. There is a now a macro
AROS_GET_SYSBASE which expands to some code which will give you access to
SysBase (Exec). A lot of Dragonball-specific code could be eliminated (the
Dragonball CPU is used in Palm-Handhelds, for example). Now, the generic AROS
code is used.
Adam Chodorowski fixed a bug in printing octal numbers and continue on his
Python port. We have now only 2 failed tests left. He's also continuing to work
on his tiny Python distribution for a boot disk.
Fabio Alemagna uploaded a better picture of himself and a close-up of his face.
Peter Eriksson added screenshots for the demos Flamme, Knp and Firework.
Johan Alfredsson fixed a bug in C:Delete. C:Delete now reports if it could not
delete any files and gives the same error if you try to delete an assign as the
Amiga command.
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen fixed an infinite loop in his camd.library (MIDI
stuff: Sending two or more channel pressure or program change messages with the
same status in a row, would cause a driver to go into an infinite loop).
Sven Drieling updated the GettingMoreHelp summary and added a new misc summary.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-07 |
Kjetil Svalastog fixed a bug which caused reading several sysex-messages in a
row to fail in camd.library.
Staf Verhaegen added a readme to c_lib (shared library/device creation code of
AROS) which explains the difference between the AROS version and the original
CLib37x archive from Andreas R. Kleinert. He also fixed the license of
libheader.c and libtail.c so they can be used with any license.
Stefan Berger continued to hunt down global variables and kill them and he
removed some old code from console.device.
Aaron Digulla fixed the nightly build script which failed for a long time for
the contrib disks. No, these builds are not yet available for the public. I
hope that Network Solutions transfers the domain to me, soon, so I can fix the
DNS entries and setup the FTP mirror network.
Sven Drieling committed a document, which summarizes thoughts about what the
next big steps should be in AROS development.
Author: | Aaron Digulla |
Date: | 2002-01-01 |
Again for at least 2000 years, there is a new year and the world didn't end. ;-)
Johan Alfredsson fixed some compiler warnings and typos.
Stefan Berger worked on the C startup code, the library generation code and
removed a global variable in the keyboard and gameport devices. Also, our
countries files support the Euro. He made many Exec functions work with his
Palm port and began porting DOS. The root node in DOS is now allocated with
AllocMem() as it should be.
He began to change some HIDDs to make them ROM-able. If CREATE_ROM is defined,
then SysBase will be looked for in address $4 (like on the Amiga), for
example. Note that the normal AROS doesn't need any absolute address. As far
as we know, AROS is the only fully relocatable OS :-)
In addition to the changes above, he removed many unused functions, code and
cleaned a lot of stuff. Many more places where global variables were used, are
now fixed.
Georg Steger added support for the Euro (ASCII 164/0xA4 in the ISO 8859-15
encoding) to the HIDDs and the default keymap (mapped to Alt-E). Only topaz/8
has the symbol for now.
Staf Verhaegen implemented thread support with use of SignalSemaphores and
Pooled Memory in Regina.
Henning Kiel cleaned the build a bit. AROS should now almost compile with
CYGWIN on Windows and emul.handler which allows AROS to access a native Unix
filesystem when run as an emulation is now moved into AROS/config/unix/, where
it belongs.