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rtAllocRequestA() rtChangeReqAttrA() rtCloseWindowSafely() rtEZRequestA()
rtFileRequestA() rtFontRequestA() rtFreeFileList() rtFreeReqBuffer()
rtFreeRequest() rtGetLongA() rtGetStringA() rtGetVScreenSize()
rtInternalEnterPasswordA() rtInternalGetPasswordA() rtLockPrefs() rtLockWindow()
rtPaletteRequestA() rtReqHandlerA() rtScreenModeRequestA() rtScreenToFrontSafely()
rtSetReqPosition() rtSetWaitPointer() rtSpread() rtUnlockPrefs()



APTR rtAllocRequestA(
         ULONG type,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

APTR rtAllocRequest(
         ULONG type,
         TAG tag, ... );


Allocates a requester structure for you in a future compatible
manner. This is the only way to properly allocate a rtFileRequester,
rtFontRequester, rtReqInfo or rtScreenModeRequester structure. The
structure will be initialized for you.

Use rtFreeRequest() to free the requester structure when you no
longer need it.


type    - type of structure to allocate, currently RT_REQINFO,
taglist - pointer to array of tags (currently always NULL).


no tags defined yet


req - pointer to the requester allocated or NULL if no memory.


none known

See also




LONG rtChangeReqAttrA(
         APTR req,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

LONG rtChangeReqAttr(
         APTR req,
         TAG tag, ... );


Change requester attributes with supplied taglist. This is the only
correct way to change the attributes listed below.

The return code from rtChangeReqAttrA() should be ignored unless
stated otherwise.

Don't pass the tags listed below to the requester itself (unless
documented otherwise). They will not be recognized.


req     - pointer to requester.
taglist - pointer to array of tags.


For the file requester:

RTFI_Dir - (char *)
    Name of new directory to position file requester in. The
    requester's buffer will be deallocated.

RTFI_MatchPat - (char *) New pattern string to match files on.

RTFI_AddEntry - (BPTR) THIS *MUST* BE THE LAST TAG (just before
    TAG_END)! Tagdata must hold a lock on a file or directory you
    want to add to the file requester's buffer. The lock should
    have been obtained using Lock(), and you must unlock this lock
    yourself. It is your responsibility to make sure the file or
    directory is indeed in the directory the file requester is in.
    If the entry is already in the file requester's buffer it will
    simply be updated.
    It is harmless to use this tag if the requester's buffer is not
    initialized. rtChangeReqAttr() will return a boolean to
    indicate success or failure (out of memory).

RTFI_RemoveEntry - (char *) Name of file or directory you want to
    remove from the file requester's buffer. It is your
    responsibility to make sure the file or directory is indeed in
    the directory the file requester is in.
    It is harmless use this tag if the requester's buffer is not

For the font requester:

RTFO_FontName - (char *) Set the name of the currently selected

RTFO_FontHeight - (UWORD) Set the fontsize of the currently
    selected font.

RTFO_FontStyle - (UBYTE) Set the style of the current font.

RTFO_FontFlags - (UBYTE) Set the flags of the current font.

For the screenmode requester [V38]:

RTSC_ModeFromScreen - (struct Screen *) Screen to get mode
    attributes from.

    NOTE: You must make sure the mode this screen is in will be
        accepted by the screen mode requester. Otherwise it will
        automatically cancel. For example, you use
        RTDI_ModeFromScreen on a HAM screen and you haven't set the
        Note that you must use this tag _before_ the four tags
        below because this tag will set the width, height, depth
        and autoscroll.

RTSC_DisplayID - (ULONG) Set 32-bit mode id of selected mode. The
    width and height will be set to the default (visible) width and
    height, and the depth will be set to maximum. Also read note
    above. Note that you must use this tag _before_ the three tags
    below because this tag will set the width, height and depth to
    default values.

RTSC_DisplayWidth - (UWORD) Set width of display. Must come after
    RTSC_DisplayID or RTSC_ModeFromScreen tags.

RTSC_DisplayHeight - (UWORD) Set height of display. Must come after
    RTSC_DisplayID or RTSC_ModeFromScreen tags.

RTSC_DisplayDepth - (UWORD) Set depth of display. Must come after
    RTSC_DisplayID or RTSC_ModeFromScreen tags.

RTSC_AutoScroll - (BOOL) Boolean state of autoscroll checkbox. Must
    come after RTSC_ModeFromScreen tag.

RTSC_OverscanType - (ULONG) Set type of overscan. Set to 0 for
    regular size, otherwise use OSCAN_... constants. See


none (except when RTFI_AddEntry tag is used, see above)


none known



VOID rtCloseWindowSafely(
         struct Window * window );


Closes a window which shares its IDCMP port with another window.  All the
pending messages (concerning this window) on the port will be removed and
the window will be closed.

Do not use this function to close windows which have an IDCMP port set up
by Intuition.  If you do the port will be left in memory!

If you intend to open a lot of windows all sharing the same IDCMP port it
is easiest if you create a port yourself and open all windows with
newwin.IDCMPFlags set to 0 (this tells Intuition to NOT set up an IDCMP
port).  After opening the window set the win->UserPort to your message
port and call ModifyIDCMP to set your IDCMP flags.

When you then receive messages from intuition check the imsg->IDCMPWindow
field to find out what window they came from and act upon them.

When closing your windows call rtCloseWindowSafely() for all of them and
delete your message port.


window  --  pointer to the window to be closed


This function is for the advanced ReqTools user.


none known



ULONG rtEZRequestA(
         char * bodyfmt,
         char * gadfmt,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         APTR argarray,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

ULONG rtEZRequest(
         char * bodyfmt,
         char * gadfmt,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         APTR argarray,
         TAG tag, ... );


This function puts up a requester for you and waits for a response
from the user. If the response is positive, this procedure returns
TRUE. If the response is negative, this procedure returns FALSE.
The function may also return an IDCMP flag or a value corresponding
with one of other possible responses (see below).

'gadfmt' may contain several possible responses. Separate these
responses by a '|'. For example: "Yes|No", or 'Yes|Maybe|No". The
responses should be typed in the same order as they will appear on
screen, from left to right. There is no limit to the number of
responses other than the width of the screen the requester will
appear on.

'bodyfmt' can contain newlines ('\n', ASCII 10). This will cause a
new line to be started (surprise, surprise :-).
You may also include printf() style formatting codes. The format
arguments should be pointed to by 'argarray'.
You can use formatting codes in 'gadfmt' as well. The arguments for
this format string should follow the ones for 'bodyfmt'.

NOTE: The formatting is done by exec.library/RawDoFmt(), so be
    aware that to display a 32-bit integer argument you must use
    "%ld", not "%d", since RawDoFmt() is "word-oriented."

The second and third function use a variable number of arguments.
These functions can be found in 'reqtools[nb].lib'.
The second function has the RawDoFmt() arguments as variable args,
the third the tags. If you need both this is what you can do:

   ULONG tags[] = { RTEZ_ReqTitle, (ULONG)"mytitle", TAG_END };

   rtEZRequest ("String, num: %s, %ld", "Ok", NULL,
                                   (struct TagItem *)tags, "six", 6);

You can satisfy the requester with the following keyboard shortcuts:
    'Y' or Left Amiga 'V' for a positive response,
    ESC, 'N', 'R' or Left Amiga 'B' for a negative response.

If EZREQF_NORETURNKEY is _not_ set (see RTEZ_Flags below) the
RETURN key is also accepted as a shortcut for the positive response
(can be changed using RTEZ_DefaultResponse, see below). The
response that will be selected when you press RETURN will be
printed in bold.

The EZREQF_LAMIGAQUAL flag should be used when you put up a
requester for a destructive action (e.g. to delete something). When
it is set the keyboard shortcuts are limited to Left Amiga 'V' and
'B' so it is harder to accidently select something you will regret.
Note that the RETURN and ESC key remain active!  To disable the
RETURN key use the EZREQF_NORETURNKEY flag. The ESC key cannot be

You may pass a NULL for 'gadfmt', but make sure you know what you
are doing. Passing a NULL opens an EZRequester with NO responses,
just a body text. This implies the user has no means of "answering"
this requester. You must therefore use the RT_IDCMPFlags tag to
allow some other events to end the requester (e.g.
of the ReqHandler feature. Using a requester handler you can end
the requester by program control. This way you can e.g. put up a
requester before you start loading a file and remove it after the
file has been loaded. Do not pass an empty string as 'gadfmt'!

'reqinfo' can be used to customize the requester. For greater
control use the tags listed below. The advantage of the rtReqInfo
structure is that it is global, where tags have to be specified
each function call. See libraries/reqtools.[hi] for a description
of the rtReqInfo structure.


bodyfmt  - requester body text, can be format string a la RawDoFmt().
gadfmt   - text for gadgets (left to right, separated by '|') or NULL.
argarray - pointer to array of arguments for format string(s).
           nb - : arguments must be handled the same as for RawDoFmt!
           use aros slowstack macros.
reqinfo  - pointer to a rtReqInfo structure allocated with
    rtAllocRequest() or NULL.
taglist  - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - (struct Window *) Window that will be used to find the
    screen to put the requester on. You *MUST* supply this if you
    are a task calling this function and not a process! This is
    because tasks don't have a pr_WindowPtr.

RT_IDCMPFlags - (ULONG) Extra idcmp flags to return on. If one
    these IDCMP flags causes the requester to abort the return code
    will equal the flag in question.

RT_ReqPos - (ULONG) One of the following:

    REQPOS_POINTER - requester appears where the mouse pointer is

    REQPOS_CENTERSCR - requester is centered on the screen.

    REQPOS_CENTERWIN - requester is centered in the window (only
        works if the pr_WindowPtr of your process is valid or if you
        use RT_Window). If RT_Window is NULL the requester will be
        centered on the screen.

    REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR - requester appears at the top left of the

    REQPOS_TOPLEFTWIN - requester appears at the top left of the
        window (only works if the pr_WindowPtr of your process is
        valid or if you use RT_Window).

    The requester will always remain in the visible part of the
    screen, so if you use the Workbench 2.0 ScreenMode preferences
    editor to enlarge your Workbench screen and you scroll around,
    the requester will always appear in the part you can see.
    visible part of the screen. So if you use one of these the
    requester will be appear in the center or the top left off what
    you can see of the screen as opposed to the entire screen.

    REQPOS_CENTERSCR or REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR respectively when there
    is no parent window. So you can safely use these without
    worrying about the existence of a window.

RT_LeftOffset - (ULONG) Offset of left edge of requester relative to
    position specified with RT_ReqPos (does not offset the
    requester when RT_ReqPos is REQPOS_POINTER).

RT_TopOffset - (ULONG) Offset of top edge of requester relative to
    position specified with RT_ReqPos (does not offset the
    requester when RT_ReqPos is REQPOS_POINTER).

RT_PubScrName - (char *) Name of public screen requester should
    appear on. When this tag is used the RT_Window tag will be
    ignored. If the public screen is not found the requester will
    open on the default public screen.

    Only works on Kickstart 2.0! reqtools.library does not check
    this, it is up to you *NOT* to use this tag on Kickstart 1.3 or
    below! Note that the 1.3 version of reqtools.library also
    understands and supports this tag (on 2.0).

RT_Screen - (struct Screen *) Address of screen to put requester
    on. You should never use this, use RT_Window or RT_PubScrName.

RT_ReqHandler - (struct rtHandlerInfo **) Using this tag you can
    start an "asynchronous" requester. ti_TagData of the tag must
    hold the address of a pointer variable to a rtHandlerInfo
    structure. The requester will initialize this pointer and will
    return immediately after its normal initialization. The return
    code will not be what you would normally expect. If the return
    code is _not_ equal to CALL_HANDLER an error occurred and you
    should take appropriate steps.

    If the return code was CALL_HANDLER everything went ok and the
    requester will still be up! See the explanation for
    rtReqHandlerA() below for the following steps you have to take.

RT_WaitPointer - (BOOL) If this is TRUE the window calling the
    requester will get a standard wait pointer set while the
    requester is up. This will happen if you used the RT_Window tag
    or if your process's pr_WindowPtr is valid. Note that after the
    requester has finished your window will be ClearPointer()-ed.

    If you used a custom pointer in your window you will have to
    re-set it, or not use the RT_WaitPointer tag and put up a wait
    pointer yourself. If your program requires ReqTools V38 it is
    advised you use RT_LockWindow instead. Defaults to FALSE.

RT_LockWindow - (BOOL) [V38] If this is TRUE the window calling the
    requester will get locked. It will no longer accept any user
    input and it will get standard wait pointer set. This will
    happen only if you used the RT_Window tag or if your process's
    pr_WindowPtr is valid. RT_LockWindow will restore a custom
    pointer if you have used one (unlike RT_WaitPointer). So you do
    not have to worry about having to restore it yourself. It is
    advised you use this tag as much as possible. Defaults to FALSE.

    Under Kickstart V39 the original window pointer will not be
    restored if it was set using SetWindowPointer(). You will have
    to restore the pointer yourself in this case.

RT_ScreenToFront - (BOOL) [V38] Boolean indicating whether to pop
    the screen the requester will appear on to the front. Default is

RT_ShareIDCMP - (BOOL) [V38] Boolean indicating whether to share
    the IDCMP port of the parent window. Use this tag together with
    the RT_Window tag to indicate the window to share IDCMP with.
    Sharing the IDCMP port produces less overhead, so it is advised
    you use this tag. Defaults to FALSE.

RT_Locale - (struct Locale *) [V38] Locale to determine what
    language to use for the requester text. If this tag is not used
    or its data is NULL, the system's current default locale will
    be used. Default NULL.
RT_IntuiMsgFunc - (struct Hook *) [V38] The requester will call
    this hook for each IDCMP message it gets that doesn't belong to
    its window. Only applies if you used the RT_ShareIDCMP tag to
    share the IDCMP port with the parent window. Parameters are as

        A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
        A2 - (struct rtReqInfo *) your requester info
        A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *) the message

    After you have finished examining the message and your hook
    returns, ReqTools will reply the message. So do not reply the
    message yourself!

RT_Underscore - (char) [V38] Indicates the symbol that precedes the
    character in the gadget label to be underscored. This is to
    define a keyboard shortcut for this gadget. Example: to define
    the key 'Q' as a keyboard shortcut for "Quit" and 'N' for "Oh,
    No!" you would use the tag RT_Underscore, '_' and pass as
    gadfmt "_Quit|Oh, _No!". Do not use the symbol '%' as it is
    used for string formatting. The usual character to use is '_'
    like in the example.

    IMPORTANT: the shortcuts defined using RT_Underscore take
        precedence of the default shortcuts! It is for example not
        wise to use a 'N' for a positive response! Pick your
        shortcuts carefully!

RT_TextAttr - (struct TextAttr *) [V38] Use this font for the
    requester. Default is to use the screen font. Note that the
    font must already be opened by you. ReqTools will call
    OpenFont() on this TextAttr, _not_ OpenDiskFont()!  If the font
    cannot be opened using OpenFont() the default screen font will
    be used.

RTEZ_ReqTitle - (char *) Title of requester window, default is
    "Request" unless the requester has less than 2 responses, then
    the default title is "Information".

RTEZ_Flags - (ULONG) Flags for rtEZRequestA():

    EZREQF_NORETURNKEY - turn off the RETURN key as shortcut for
        positive response.

    EZREQF_LAMIGAQUAL - keyboard shortcuts are limited to Left
        Amiga 'V' and 'B', ESC and RETURN.

    EZREQF_CENTERTEXT - centers each line of body text in the
        requester window. Useful for about requesters.

RTEZ_DefaultResponse - (ULONG) Response value that will be returned
    when the user presses the return key. Will be ignored if the
    EZREQF_NORETURNKEY flag is set. The text for this response will
    be printed in bold. Default is 1.


ret - 1 (TRUE) for leftmost (positive) response, then each
    consecutive response will return 1 more, the rightmost (false)
    response will return 0 (FALSE), so 1,2,3,...,num-1,0 -- or
    idcmp flag.


Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

rtEZRequestA() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process to find the
screen to put the requester on.


none known



APTR rtFileRequestA(
         struct rtFileRequester * filereq,
         char * file,
         char * title,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

APTR rtFileRequest(
         struct rtFileRequester * filereq,
         char * file,
         char * title,
         TAG tag, ... );


Get a directory and filename(s), or just a directory from the user.

'filename' should point to an array of at least 108 chars. The
filename already in 'filename' will be displayed in the requester
when it comes up. When the requester returns 'filename' will
probably have changed.

Using certain tags may result in the calling of a caller-supplied

The hook will be called with A0 holding the address of your hook
structure (you may use the h_Data field to your own liking), A2 a
pointer to the requester structure calling the hook ('req') and A1
a pointer to an object. The object is variable and depends on what
your hook is for.

This is an example of a hook suitable to be used with the
RTFI_FilterFunc tag:

SAS/C users can define their function thus:

BOOL __asm __saveds filterfunc(
        register __a0 struct Hook *filterhook,
        register __a2 struct rtFileRequester *req,
        register __a1 struct FileInfoBlock *fib )
    BOOL accepted = TRUE;

    // examine fib to decide if you want this file in the requester
    return( accepted );

Your hook structure should then be initialized like this:

    filterhook->h_Entry = filterfunc;
    // in this case no need to initialize hook->h_SubEntry
    filterhook->h_Data = your_userdata_if_needed;

You can also use a stub written in machine code to call your
function. (see 'utility/hooks.h')


filereq  - pointer to a struct rtFileRequester allocated with
filename - pointer to an array of chars (must be 108 bytes big).
title    - pointer to requester window title (null terminated).
taglist  - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LockWindow - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - (struct Hook *) [V38] The requester will call
    this hook for each IDCMP message it gets that doesn't belong to
    its window. Only applies if you used the RT_ShareIDCMP tag to
    share the IDCMP port with the parent window. Parameters are as

        A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
        A2 - (struct rtFileRequester *) your requester
        A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *) the message

    After you have finished examining the message and your hook
    returns, ReqTools will reply the message. So do not reply the
    message yourself!

RT_Underscore - (char) [V38] Indicates the symbol that precedes the
    character in a gadget's label to be underscored. This will also
    define the keyboard shortcut for this gadget. Currently only
    needed for RTFI_OkText. Usually set to '_'.

RT_DefaultFont - (struct TextFont *) This tag allows you to specify
    the font to be used in the requester when the screen font is
    proportional. Default is GfxBase->DefaultFont. This tag is
    obsolete in ReqTools 2.2 and higher.

RT_TextAttr - (struct TextAttr *) [V38] Use this font for the
    requester. Default is to use the screen font. Note that the
    font must already be opened by you. ReqTools will call
    OpenFont() on this TextAttr, _not_ OpenDiskFont()! If the font
    cannot be opened using OpenFont() or if the font is
    proportional the default screen font will be used (or the font
    set with RT_DefaultFont).

RTFI_Flags - (ULONG) Several flags:

    FREQF_NOBUFFER - do _not_ use a buffer to remember directory
        contents for the next time the file requester is used.

    FREQF_MULTISELECT - allow multiple files to be selected.
        rtFileRequest() will return a pointer to an rtFileList
        structure which will contain all selected files. Use
        rtFreeFileList() to free the memory used by this file list.

    FREQF_SELECTDIRS - set this flag if you wish to enable the
        selecting of dirs as well as files. You *must* also set
        FREQF_MULTISELECT. Directories will be returned together
        with files in rtFileList, but with StrLen equal to -1. If
        you need the length of the directory's name use strlen().

    FREQF_SAVE - Set this if you are using the requester to save or
        delete something. Double-clicking will be disabled so it is
        harder to make a mistake and select the wrong file. If the
        user enters a non-existent directory in the drawer string
        gadget, a requester will appear asking if the directory
        should be created.

    FREQF_NOFILES - Set this if you want to use the requester to
        allow the user to select a directory rather than a file.
        Ideal for getting a destination dir. May be used with

    FREQF_PATGAD - When this is set a pattern gadget will be added
        to the requester.

RTFI_Height - (ULONG) Suggested height of file requester window.

RTFI_OkText - (char *) Replacement text for "Ok" gadget, max 6
    chars long.

RTFI_VolumeRequest - (ULONG) [V38] The presence of this tag turns
    the file requester into a volume/assign disk requester. This
    requester can be used to get a device name ("DF0:", "DH1:",..)
    or an assign ("C:", "FONTS:",...) from the user. The result of
    this requester can be found in the filereq->Dir field. The
    volume can also be changed with rtChangeReqAttrA() and the
    RTFI_Dir tag.

    Note that the user may edit the disk/assign, or enter a new
    one. Note also that the real device name is returned, not the
    name of the volume in the device. For example "DH1:", not
    "Hard1:". The tag data (ULONG) is used to set following flags:

    VREQF_NOASSIGNS - Do not include the assigns in the list, only
        the real devices.

    VREQF_NODISKS - Do not include devices, just show the assigns.

    VREQF_ALLDISKS - Show _all_ devices. Default behavior is to
        show only those devices which have valid disks inserted
        into them. So if you have no disk in drive DF0: it will not
        show up. Set this flag if you do want these devices

    NOTE: Do *NOT* use { RTFI_VolumeRequest, TRUE }! You are then
        setting the VREQF_NOASSIGNS flag! Use { RTFI_VolumeRequest,
        0 } for a normal volume requester.

    NOTE: If you use the RTFI_FilterFunc described below the third
        parameter will be a pointer to a rtVolumeEntry structure
        rather than a pointer to a FileInfoBlock structure! Tech
        note: the DOS device list has been unlocked, so it is safe
        to e.g. Lock() this device and call Info() on this lock.

    NOTE: A file requester structure allocated with
        rtAllocRequest() should not be used for both a file and a
        volume requester. Allocate two requester structures if you
        need both a file and a volume requester in your program!

RTFI_FilterFunc - (struct Hook *) [V38] Call this hook for each
    file and directory in the directory being read (or for each
    entry in the volume requester). Parameters are as follows:

    A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
    A2 - (struct rtFileRequester *) your filereq
    A1 - (struct FileInfoBlock *) fib of file OR (struct
        rtVolumeEntry *) device or assign in case of a volume

    If your hook returns TRUE the file will be accepted. If it
    returns FALSE the file will be skipped and will not appear in
    the requester.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change your hook's behavior you _MUST_
        purge the requester's buffer (using rtFreeReqBuffer())!

    IMPORTANT NOTE: When this callback hook is called from a volume
        requester the pr_WindowPtr of your process will be set to
        -1 so *no* DOS requesters will appear when an error occurs!

RTFI_AllowEmpty - (BOOL) [V38] If RTFI_AllowEmpty is TRUE an empty
    file string will also be accepted and returned. Defaults to
    FALSE, meaning that if the user enters no filename the
    requester will be canceled. You should use this tag as little
    as possible!


ret - TRUE if the user selected a file (check 'filereq->Dir' for
    the directory and 'filename' for the filename) or FALSE if the
    requester was canceled -- or a pointer to a struct rtFileList
    (if FREQF_MULTISELECT was used).


You CANNOT call the file requester from a task because it uses DOS

Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

If the requester got too big for the screen because of a very large
font, the topaz.font will be used.

rtFileRequest() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process to find the
screen to put the requester on.


none known



ULONG rtFontRequestA(
         struct rtFontRequester * fontreq,
         char * title,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

ULONG rtFontRequest(
         struct rtFontRequester * fontreq,
         char * title,
         TAG tag, ... );


Let the user select a font and a style (optional).


fontreq  - pointer to a struct rtFontRequester allocated with
title - pointer to requester window title (null terminated).
taglist - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LockWindow - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - (struct Hook *) [V38] The requester will call
    this hook for each IDCMP message it gets that doesn't belong to
    its window. Only applies if you used the RT_ShareIDCMP tag to
    share the IDCMP port with the parent window. Parameters are as

    A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
    A2 - (struct rtFontRequester *) your requester
    A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *) the message

    After you have finished examining the message and your hook
    returns, ReqTools will reply the message. So do not reply the
    message yourself!

RT_Underscore - (char) [V38] Indicates the symbol that precedes the
    character in a gadget's label to be underscored. This will also
    define the keyboard shortcut for this gadget. Currently only
    needed for RTFO_OkText. Usually set to '_'.

RT_DefaultFont - (struct TextFont *) This tag allows you to specify
    the font to be used in the requester when the screen font is
    proportional. Default is GfxBase->DefaultFont. This tag is
    obsolete in ReqTools 2.2 and higher.

RT_TextAttr - [V38] see rtFileRequestA()

RTFO_Flags - (ULONG) Several flags:

    FREQF_NOBUFFER - do not buffer the font list for subsequent
        calls to rtFontRequestA().

    FREQF_FIXEDWIDTH - only show fixed-width fonts.

    FREQF_COLORFONTS - show color fonts also.

    FREQF_CHANGEPALETTE - change the screen's palette to match that
        of a selected color font.

    FREQF_LEAVEPALETTE - leave the palette as it is when exiting
        rtFontRequestA() Useful in combination with

    FREQF_SCALE - allow fonts to be scaled when they don't exist in
        the requested size. (works on Kickstart 2.0 only, has no
        effect on 1.2/1.3).

    FREQF_STYLE - include gadgets so the user may select the font's

RTFO_Height - (ULONG) Suggested height of font requester window.

RTFO_OkText - (char *) Replacement text for "Ok" gadget. Maximum 6
    chars. (7 is still ok, but not esthetically pleasing)

RTFO_SampleHeight - (ULONG) Height of font sample display in pixels
    (default 24).

RTFO_MinHeight - (ULONG) Minimum font size displayed.

RTFO_MaxHeight - (ULONG) Maximum font size displayed.

RTFO_FilterFunc - (struct Hook *) [V38] Call this hook for each
    available font. Parameters are as follows:

    A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
    A2 - (struct rtFontRequester *) your filereq
    A1 - (struct TextAttr *) textattr of font

    If your hook returns TRUE the font will be accepted. If it
    returns FALSE the font will be skipped and will not appear in
    the requester. IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you change your hook's
    behavior you _MUST_ purge the requester's buffer (using


bool - TRUE if the user selected a font (freq->Attr holds the
    font), FALSE if the requester was canceled.


You CANNOT call the font requester from a task because it may use
DOS calls!

Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

If the requester got too big for the screen because of a very large
font, the topaz.font will be used.

rtFontRequest() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process to find the
screen to put the requester on.


none known



VOID rtFreeFileList(
         struct rtFileList * selfile );


Frees a filelist returned by rtFileRequest() when the FREQF_MULTISELECT
flag was set.  Call this after you have scanned the filelist and you no
longer need it.


filelist  --  pointer to rtFileList structure, returned by rtFileRequest();
              may be NULL.




none known

See also




void rtFreeReqBuffer(
         APTR req );


Frees the buffer associated with 'req'. In case of a file requester
this function will deallocate the directory buffer, in case of a
font requester the font list.

It is safe to call this function for requesters that have no
buffer, so you may call this for all requesters to free as much
memory as possible.


req - pointer to requester.




none known



void rtFreeRequest(
         APTR req );


Free requester structure previously allocated by rtAllocRequestA().
This will also free all buffers associated with the requester, so
there is no need to call rtFreeReqBuffer() first.


req - pointer to requester (may be NULL).




none known



ULONG rtGetLongA(
         ULONG * longptr,
         char * title,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

ULONG rtGetLong(
         ULONG * longptr,
         char * title,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         TAG tag, ... );


Puts up a requester to get a signed long (32-bit) number from the

'reqinfo' can be used to customize the requester. For greater
control use the tags listed below. The advantage of the rtReqInfo
structure is that it is global, where tags have to be specified
each function call. See libraries/reqtools.[hi] for a description
of the rtReqInfo structure.


&longvar - address of long (32 bit!) variable to hold result.
title - pointer to null terminated title of requester window.
reqinfo - pointer to a rtReqInfo structure allocated with
    rtAllocRequest() or NULL.
taglist  - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IDCMPFlags - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Underscore - [V38] see rtEZRequestA() Only when you also use the
    RTGL_GadFmt tag.

RT_LockWindow - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TextAttr - [V38] see rtEZRequestA(). Note that under 1.2/1.3 the
    string gadget's font will remain the screen font.

RTGL_Min - (ULONG) Minimum allowed value. If the user tries to
    enter a smaller value the requester will refuse to accept it.

RTGL_Max - (ULONG) Maximum allowed value, higher values are refused.

RTGL_Width - (ULONG) Width of requester window in pixels. This is
    only a suggestion. rtGetLongA() will not go below a certain

RTGL_ShowDefault - (BOOL) If this is TRUE (default) the value
    already in 'longvar' will be displayed in the requester when it
    comes up. If set to FALSE the requester will be empty.

RTGL_GadFmt - (char *) [V38] Using this tag you can offer the user
    several responses. See rtEZRequestA() for more information.
    Note that selecting this gadget is considered a positive
    response so the integer in the gadget is copied to '&longvar'.

RTGL_GadFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGL_GadFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGL_Invisible - (BOOL) [V38] Using this tag you can switch on
    invisible typing. Very useful if you need to get something like
    a code number from the user. It is strongly advised to use
    { RTGL_ShowDefault, FALSE } or the user may get very confused!
    Default is FALSE.

RTGL_BackFill - (BOOL) [V38] Backfill requester window with
    pattern. Default TRUE.

RTGL_TextFmt - (char *) [V38] Print these lines of text above the
    gadget in the requester. Very useful to inform the user of what
    he should enter. Most of the time you will also want to set the
    GLREQF_CENTERTEXT flag. If you set the RTGL_BackFill tag to
    FALSE _no_ recessed border will be placed around the text.
    Formatting codes may be used in the string (see
    RTGL_TextFmtArgs tag).

RTGL_TextFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGL_TextFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGL_Flags - (ULONG) [V38]

    GLREQF_CENTERTEXT - centers each line of text above the gadget
        in the requester window. Should be generally set.

    GLREQF_HIGHLIGHTTEXT - Highlight text above the gadget. You
        will normally only want to use this if you also turned off
        the window backfilling.


ret - TRUE if user entered a number, FALSE if not. If one of your
    idcmp flags caused the requester to end 'ret' will hold this
    flag. If you used the RTGL_GadFmt tag the return code will hold
    the value of the response as with rtEZRequestA().


'longvar' will NOT change if the requester is aborted.

Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

rtGetLongA() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process to find the
screen to put the requester on.

If you use the RTGL_GadFmt tag the return value is not always the
gadget the user selected. If the integer gadget is empty and the
user presses the leftmost gadget (normally 'Ok') rtGetLong() will
return 0 (FALSE)! If the integer gadget is empty and the user
presses one of the other gadgets rtGetLong() _will_ return its
Important: &longvar will not be changed in either of these cases.


none known



ULONG rtGetStringA(
         UBYTE * buffer,
         ULONG maxchars,
         char * title,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

ULONG rtGetString(
         UBYTE * buffer,
         ULONG maxchars,
         char * title,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         TAG tag, ... );


Puts up a string requester to get a line of text from the user. The
string present in 'buffer' upon entry will be displayed, ready to
be edited.

'reqinfo' can be used to customize the requester. For greater
control use the tags listed below. The advantage of the rtReqInfo
structure is that it is global, where tags have to be specified
each function call. See libraries/reqtools.[hi] for a description
of the rtReqInfo structure.


buffer - pointer to buffer to hold characters entered.
maxchars - maximum number of characters that fit in buffer
    (EX-cluding the 0 to terminate the string !).
title - pointer to null terminated title of requester window.
reqinfo - pointer to a rtReqInfo structure allocated with
    rtAllocRequest() or NULL.
taglist - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IDCMPFlags - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Underscore - [V38] see rtEZRequestA(). Only when you also use
    the RTGS_GadFmt tag.

RT_LockWindow - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TextAttr - [V38] see rtEZRequestA(). Note that under 1.2/1.3 the
    string gadget's font will remain the screen font.

RTGS_Width - (ULONG) Width of requester window in pixels. This is
    only a suggestion. rtGetStringA() will not go below a certain

RTGS_AllowEmpty - (BOOL) If RTGS_AllowEmpty is TRUE an empty string
    will also be accepted and returned. Defaults to FALSE, meaning
    that if the user enters an empty string the requester will be

RTGS_GadFmt - (char *) [V38] Using this tag you can offer the user
    severalresponses. See rtEZRequestA() for more information. Note
    that selecting this gadget is considered a positive response so
    the string in the gadget is copied to 'buffer'.

RTGS_GadFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGS_GadFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGS_Invisible - (BOOL) [V38] Using this tag you can switch on
    invisible typing. Very useful if you need to get something like
    a password from the user. It is strongly advised to use an
    empty initial string or the user may get very confused!
    Default is FALSE.

RTGS_BackFill - (BOOL) [V38] Backfill requester window with
    pattern. Default TRUE.

RTGS_TextFmt - (char *) [V38] Print these lines of text above the
    gadget in the requester. Very useful to inform the user of what
    he should enter. Most of the time you will also want to set the
    GSREQF_CENTERTEXT flag. If you set the RTGS_BackFill tag to
    FALSE _no_ recessed border will be placed around the text.
    Formatting codes may be used in the string (see
    RTGS_TextFmtArgs tag).

RTGS_TextFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGS_TextFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGS_Flags - (ULONG) [V38]

    GSREQF_CENTERTEXT - centers each line of text above the gadget
        in the requester window. Should be generally set.

    GSREQF_HIGHLIGHTTEXT - Highlight text above the gadget. You
        will normally only want to use this if you also turned off
        the window backfilling.


ret - TRUE if user entered something, FALSE if not. If one of your
    idcmp flags caused the requester to end 'ret' will hold this
    flag. If you used the RTGS_GadFmt tag the return code will hold
    the value of the response as with rtEZRequestA().


The contents of the buffer will NOT change if the requester is

Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

rtGetStringA() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process to find the
screen to put the requester on.

If you use the RTGS_GadFmt tag the return value is not always the
gadget the user selected. If the string gadget is empty and the
user presses the leftmost gadget (normally 'Ok') rtGetString() will
return 0 (FALSE)! If the string gadget is empty and the user
presses one of the other gadgets rtGetString() _will_ return its
value!  Important: 'buffer' will not be changed in either of these
If you set the RTGS_AllowEmpty tag to TRUE 'buffer' will always be
changed of course, and rtGetString() will always return the value
of the gadget pressed.


none known



ULONG rtGetVScreenSize(
         struct Screen * screen,
         ULONG * widthptr,
         ULONG * heightptr );


Use this function to get the size of the visible portion of a

The value returned by rtGetVScreenSize() can be used for vertical
spacing. It will be larger for interlaced and productivity screens.
Using this number for spacing will assure your requester will look
good on an interlaced and a non-interlaced screen.

Current return codes are 2 for non-interlaced and 4 for interlaced.
These values may change in the future, don't depend on them too
much. They will in any case remain of the same magnitude.


screen - pointer to the screen.
widthptr - address of an ULONG variable to hold the width.
heightptr - address of an ULONG variable to hold the height.


spacing - vertical spacing for the screen.


This function is for the advanced ReqTools user.



BOOL rtInternalEnterPasswordA(
         UBYTE * buffer,
         PWCALLBACKFUNPTR pwcallback,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

BOOL rtInternalEnterPassword(
         UBYTE * buffer,
         PWCALLBACKFUNPTR pwcallback,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         TAG tag, ... );


Puts up a requester to get a password from the user.

'reqinfo' can be used to customize the requester. For greater
control use the tags listed below. The advantage of the rtReqInfo
structure is that it is global, where tags have to be specified
each function call. See libraries/reqtools.[hi] for a description
of the rtReqInfo structure.


buffer - pointer to buffer to hold characters entered.
pwcallback - pointer to password callback function.
reqinfo - pointer to a rtReqInfo structure allocated with
    rtAllocRequest() or NULL.
taglist  - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IDCMPFlags - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Underscore - [V38] see rtEZRequestA(). Only when you also use
    the RTGS_GadFmt tag.

RT_LockWindow - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TextAttr - [V38] see rtEZRequestA(). Note that under 1.2/1.3 the
    string gadget's font will remain the screen font.

RTGS_Width - (ULONG) Width of requester window in pixels. This is
    only a suggestion. rtGetStringA() will not go below a certain

RTGS_AllowEmpty - (BOOL) If RTGS_AllowEmpty is TRUE an empty string
    will also be accepted and returned. Defaults to FALSE, meaning
    that if the user enters an empty string the requester will be

RTGS_GadFmt - (char *) [V38] Using this tag you can offer the user
    severalresponses. See rtEZRequestA() for more information. Note
    that selecting this gadget is considered a positive response so
    the string in the gadget is copied to 'buffer'.

RTGS_GadFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGS_GadFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGS_Invisible - (BOOL) [V38] Using this tag you can switch on
    invisible typing. Very useful if you need to get something like
    a password from the user. It is strongly advised to use an
    empty initial string or the user may get very confused!
    Default is FALSE.

RTGS_BackFill - (BOOL) [V38] Backfill requester window with
    pattern. Default TRUE.

RTGS_TextFmt - (char *) [V38] Print these lines of text above the
    gadget in the requester. Very useful to inform the user of what
    he should enter. Most of the time you will also want to set the
    GSREQF_CENTERTEXT flag. If you set the RTGS_BackFill tag to
    FALSE _no_ recessed border will be placed around the text.
    Formatting codes may be used in the string (see
    RTGS_TextFmtArgs tag).

RTGS_TextFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGS_TextFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGS_Flags - (ULONG) [V38]

    GSREQF_CENTERTEXT - centers each line of text above the gadget
        in the requester window. Should be generally set.

    GSREQF_HIGHLIGHTTEXT - Highlight text above the gadget. You
        will normally only want to use this if you also turned off
        the window backfilling.


ret - TRUE if user entered something, FALSE if not. If one of your
    idcmp flags caused the requester to end 'ret' will hold this
    flag. If you used the RTGS_GadFmt tag the return code will hold
    the value of the response as with rtEZRequestA().


This function is private, and it should NOT be used by user code
(Currently it is used by powerpacker.library on native AmigaOS).

The contents of the buffer will NOT change if the requester is
aborted. Maximum password length is 16 chars, the requester title
is always "Password" and RTGS_Invisible is TRUE by default.

Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

rtInternalEnterPasswordA() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process
to find the screen to put the requester on.

If you use the RTGS_GadFmt tag the return value is not always the
gadget the user selected. If the string gadget is empty and the
user presses the leftmost gadget (normally 'Ok')
rtInternalEnterPasswordA() will return 0 (FALSE)! If the string gadget
is empty and the user presses one of the other gadgets
rtInternalEnterPasswordA() _will_ return its value! Important:
'buffer' will not be changed in either of these cases.
If you set the RTGS_AllowEmpty tag to TRUE 'buffer' will always be
changed of course, and rtInternalEnterPasswordA() will always return
the value of the gadget pressed.


This documentation is intentionally incomplete.



BOOL rtInternalGetPasswordA(
         UBYTE * buffer,
         ULONG checksum,
         PWCALLBACKFUNPTR pwcallback,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

BOOL rtInternalGetPassword(
         UBYTE * buffer,
         ULONG checksum,
         PWCALLBACKFUNPTR pwcallback,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         TAG tag, ... );


Puts up a requester to verify a password from the user.

'reqinfo' can be used to customize the requester. For greater
control use the tags listed below. The advantage of the rtReqInfo
structure is that it is global, where tags have to be specified
each function call. See libraries/reqtools.[hi] for a description
of the rtReqInfo structure.


buffer - pointer to buffer to hold characters entered.
checksum - checksum of the password, passed to pwcallback.
    really just the least significant 16 bits.
pwcallback - pointer to password callback function.
reqinfo - pointer to a rtReqInfo structure allocated with
    rtAllocRequest() or NULL.
taglist  - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IDCMPFlags - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Underscore - [V38] see rtEZRequestA(). Only when you also use
    the RTGS_GadFmt tag.

RT_LockWindow - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TextAttr - [V38] see rtEZRequestA(). Note that under 1.2/1.3 the
    string gadget's font will remain the screen font.

RTGS_Width - (ULONG) Width of requester window in pixels. This is
    only a suggestion. rtGetStringA() will not go below a certain

RTGS_AllowEmpty - (BOOL) If RTGS_AllowEmpty is TRUE an empty string
    will also be accepted and returned. Defaults to FALSE, meaning
    that if the user enters an empty string the requester will be

RTGS_GadFmt - (char *) [V38] Using this tag you can offer the user
    severalresponses. See rtEZRequestA() for more information. Note
    that selecting this gadget is considered a positive response so
    the string in the gadget is copied to 'buffer'.

RTGS_GadFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGS_GadFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGS_Invisible - (BOOL) [V38] Using this tag you can switch on
    invisible typing. Very useful if you need to get something like
    a password from the user. It is strongly advised to use an
    empty initial string or the user may get very confused!
    Default is FALSE.

RTGS_BackFill - (BOOL) [V38] Backfill requester window with
    pattern. Default TRUE.

RTGS_TextFmt - (char *) [V38] Print these lines of text above the
    gadget in the requester. Very useful to inform the user of what
    he should enter. Most of the time you will also want to set the
    GSREQF_CENTERTEXT flag. If you set the RTGS_BackFill tag to
    FALSE _no_ recessed border will be placed around the text.
    Formatting codes may be used in the string (see
    RTGS_TextFmtArgs tag).

RTGS_TextFmtArgs - (APTR) [V38] If you used formatting codes with
    RTGS_TextFmt use this tag to pass the arguments.

RTGS_Flags - (ULONG) [V38]

    GSREQF_CENTERTEXT - centers each line of text above the gadget
        in the requester window. Should be generally set.

    GSREQF_HIGHLIGHTTEXT - Highlight text above the gadget. You
        will normally only want to use this if you also turned off
        the window backfilling.


ret - TRUE if user entered something, FALSE if not. If one of your
    idcmp flags caused the requester to end 'ret' will hold this
    flag. If you used the RTGS_GadFmt tag the return code will hold
    the value of the response as with rtEZRequestA().


This function is private, and it should NOT be used by user code
(Currently it is used by powerpacker.library on native AmigaOS).

The contents of the buffer will be one nullbyte if the requester is
aborted. This is different to rtGetStringA. Maximum password length
is 16 chars, the requester title is always "Password" and
RTGS_Invisible is TRUE by default.

Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

rtInternalGetPasswordA() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process
to find the screen to put the requester on.

If you use the RTGS_GadFmt tag the return value is not always the
gadget the user selected. If the string gadget is empty and the
user presses the leftmost gadget (normally 'Ok')
rtInternalGetPasswordA() will return 0 (FALSE)! If the string gadget
is empty and the user presses one of the other gadgets
rtInternalGetPasswordA() _will_ return its value!  Important:
'buffer' will not be changed in either of these cases.
If you set the RTGS_AllowEmpty tag to TRUE 'buffer' will always be
changed of course, and rtGetString() will always return the value
of the gadget pressed.


This documentation is intentionally incomplete.



struct ReqToolsPrefs * rtLockPrefs();

See also




APTR rtLockWindow(
         struct Window * window );


Lock a window so it will no longer accept any user input.  The only
functions left to the user are depth arrangement and window dragging.
All gadgets will be un-selectable and the window can not be resized.
It will also get the standard wait pointer set.  The pointer at the
time of locking will be restored when the window is unlocked.

You may nest calls to rtLockWindow() and rtUnlockWindow().  Just make
sure you unlock the window in the correct (opposite) order.

See the RT_LockWindow tag for an automatic way of locking your window.

Use this function (and rtUnlockWindow()) instead of rtSetWaitPointer().


window  --  pointer to the window to be locked


a pointer to a (private) window lock.  You must pass this to
rtUnlockWindow() to unlock the window again. Never mind if this is NULL.
This means there was not enough memory and the window will not be locked.
There is no sense in reporting this, just carry on and pass the NULL
window lock to rtUnlockWindow().


The wait pointer will look exactly like the standard Workbench 2.0
wait pointer. In combination with PointerX, ClockTick or
LacePointer the handle will turn.


none known



LONG rtPaletteRequestA(
         char * title,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

LONG rtPaletteRequest(
         char * title,
         struct rtReqInfo * reqinfo,
         TAG tag, ... );


Put up a palette requester so the user can change the screen's

The colors are changed in the viewport of the screen the requester
will appear on, so that is where you will find them after the
palette requester returns.

The selected color is returned, so you can also use this requester
to let the user select a color.

'reqinfo' can be used to customize the requester. For greater
control use the tags listed below. The advantage of the rtReqInfo
structure is that it is global, where tags have to be specified
each function call. See libraries/reqtools.[hi] for a description
of the rtReqInfo structure.


title - pointer to requester window title (null terminated).
reqinfo - pointer to a rtReqInfo structure allocated with
    rtAllocRequest() or NULL.
taglist - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LockWindow - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - [V38] see rtEZRequestA()

RT_DefaultFont - (struct TextFont *) This tag allows you to specify
    the font to be used in the requester when the screen font is
    proportional. Default is GfxBase->DefaultFont. This tag is
    obsolete in ReqTools 2.2 and higher, when running OS 3.0 or

RT_TextAttr - [V38] see rtFileRequestA() If the font is
    proportional on Kickstart 2.04 or below ReqTools will use the
    system default font or the font supplied with RT_DefaultFont.
    On Kickstart 3.0 or higher the proportional font is used.

RTPA_Color - (ULONG) Initially selected color of palette. Default
    is 1.


color - the color number of the selected color or -1 if the user
    canceled the requester.


Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font. On
Kickstart 2.04 or lower, if the screen font is proportional the
default font will be used.

If the requester got too big for the screen because of a very large
font, the topaz.font will be used.

rtPaletteRequestA() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process to find
the screen to put the requester on.


none known



IPTR rtReqHandlerA(
         struct rtHandlerInfo * handlerinfo,
         ULONG sigs,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

IPTR rtReqHandler(
         struct rtHandlerInfo * handlerinfo,
         ULONG sigs,
         TAG tag, ... );


This function should be called if you used the RT_ReqHandler tag
with a requester function.

The requester you used the tag with will have returned immediately
after its initialization and will have initialized a pointer to a
rtHandlerInfo structure for you. You should now do the following:

Check the DoNotWait field. If it is FALSE you have to wait for the
signals in the WaitMask field (plus your own signals if you like).
If any of the signals in WaitMask are received or DoNotWait was not
FALSE you have to call rtReqHandlerA() and check its return value
for one of the following values:

CALL_HANDLER - Check DoNotWait again, Wait() if you have to and
    call rtReqHandlerA() again. In other words, loop.
everything else - normal return value, requester has finished. This
    return value will be the same as if the requester had run

You must pass the signals you received to rtReqHandlerA().

NOTE: if you want to wait for your own signals do not do so if
    DoNotWait is TRUE. Call rtReqHandlerA() and if you must know if
    one of your signals arrived use SetSignal() to find this out.
    If you are waiting for a message to arrive at a message port
    you can simple call GetMsg() and check if it is non-null.
    DoNotWait will naturally only be TRUE when it absolutely,
    positively has to be. A multitasking machine as the Amiga
    should use Wait() as much as possible.

This is an example of a "requester loop":

struct rtHandlerInfo *hinfo;
ULONG ret, mymask, sigs;

// calculate our mask
mymask = 1 << win->UserPort->mp_SigBit;

// We use the RT_ReqHandler tag to cause the requester to return
// after initializing.
// Check the return value to see if this setup went ok.
if( rtFontRequest( req, "Font", RT_ReqHandler, &hinfo, TAG_END )
                                               == CALL_HANDLER )
        // Wait() if we can
        if( !hinfo->DoNotWait )
            sigs = Wait( hinfo->WaitMask | mymask );

        // check our own message port
        while( msg = GetMsg( win->UserPort ) )
            // here we handle messages received at our windows
            // IDCMP port

        // let the requester do its thing (remember to pass 'sigs')
        ret = rtReqHandler( hinfo, sigs, TAG_END );

        // continue this loop as long as the requester is up
    } while( ret == CALL_HANDLER )

    // when we get here we know the requester has finished, 'ret'
    // is the return code.
    notify( "Error opening requester!" );


handlerinfo - pointer to handler info structure initialized by
    using the RT_ReqHandler tag when calling a requester function.
sigs - the signals received by previous wait, will be ignored if
    handlerinfo->DoNotWait was TRUE.
taglist - pointer to a TagItem array.


RTRH_EndRequest - supplying this tag will end the requester. The
    return code from rtReqHandlerA() will _not_ be CALL_HANDLER,
    but the requester return code. If the tagdata of this tag is
    REQ_CANCEL the requester will be canceled, if it is REQ_OK the
    requester will be ok-ed. In case of an EZRequest tagdata should
    be the return code of the requester (TRUE, FALSE or 2,3,4,...).


ret - CALL_HANDLER if you have to call rtReqHandlerA() again, or
    the normal return value from the requester.


none known

See also

rtEZRequestA() (RT_ReqHandler explanation)



ULONG rtScreenModeRequestA(
         struct rtScreenModeRequester * screenmodereq,
         char * title,
         struct TagItem * taglist );

ULONG rtScreenModeRequest(
         struct rtScreenModeRequester * screenmodereq,
         char * title,
         TAG tag, ... );


    ONWARDS! The 1.3 version of ReqTools also contains the
    screenmode requester, but unless you are running 2.0 or higher
    it will not come up. So what you essentially have to do is NOT
    call rtScreenModeRequestA() if your program is running on a
    machine with Kickstart 1.2/1.3. You can safely call
    rtScreenModeRequestA() if you are running on a 2.0 machine,
    even if the user has installed the 1.3 version of ReqTools.

Get a screen mode from the user.

The user will be able to pick a screen mode by name, enter the size
and the number of colors (bitplane depth).

rtScreenModeRequestA() will call the appropriate 2.0 functions to
get all the mode's information. If no name has been assigned to the
mode one will be constructed automatically.


screenmodereq - pointer to a struct rtScreenModeRequester allocated
    with rtAllocRequestA().
title - pointer to requester window title (null terminated).
taglist - pointer to a TagItem array.


RT_Window - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqPos - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LeftOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_TopOffset - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_PubScrName - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Screen - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ReqHandler - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_WaitPointer - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_LockWindow - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ScreenToFront - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_ShareIDCMP - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_Locale - see rtEZRequestA()

RT_IntuiMsgFunc - (struct Hook *) [V38] The requester will call
    this hook for each IDCMP message it gets that doesn't belong to
    its window. Only applies if you used the RT_ShareIDCMP tag to
    share the IDCMP port with the parent window. Parameters are as

    A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
    A2 - (struct rtScreenModeRequester *) your req
    A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *) the message

    After you have finished examining the message and your hook
    returns, ReqTools will reply the message. So do not reply the
    message yourself!

RT_Underscore - (char) [V38] Indicates the symbol that precedes the
    character in a gadget's label to be underscored. This will also
    define the keyboard shortcut for this gadget. Currently only
    needed for RTSC_OkText. Usually set to '_'.

RT_DefaultFont - (struct TextFont *) This tag allows you to specify
    the font to be used in the requester when the screen font is
    proportional. Default is GfxBase->DefaultFont. This tag is
    obsolete in ReqTools 2.2 and higher.

RT_TextAttr - [V38] see rtFileRequestA()

RTSC_Flags - (ULONG) Several flags:

    SCREQF_OVERSCANGAD - Add an overscan cycle gadget to the
        requester. After the requester returns you may read the
        overscan type in 'rq->OverscanType' If this is 0 no
        overscan is selected (Regular Size), if non-zero it holds
        one of the OSCAN_... values defined in the include file

    SCREQF_AUTOSCROLLGAD - Add an autoscroll checkbox gadget to the
        requester. After the requester returns read
        'smreq->AutoScroll' to see if the user prefers autoscroll
        to be on or off.

    SCREQF_SIZEGADS - Add width and height gadgets to the
        requester. If you do not add these gadgets the width and
        height returned will be the default width and height for
        the selected overscan type.

    SCREQF_DEPTHGAD - Add a depth slider gadget to the requester.
        If you do not add a depth gadget, the depth returned will
        be the maximum depth this mode can be opened in.

    SCREQF_NONSTDMODES - Include all modes. Unless this flag is set
        rtScreenModeRequestA() will exclude nonstandard modes.
        Nonstandard modes are presently HAM and EHB
        (ExtraHalfBrite). So unless you are picking a mode to do
        some rendering in leave this flag unset. Without this flag
        set the mode returned will be a normal bitplaned mode.

    SCREQF_GUIMODES - Set this flag if you are getting a screen
        mode to open a user interface screen in. The modes shown
        will be standard modes with a high enough resolution
        (minumum 640 pixels). If this flag is set the
        SCREQF_NONSTDMODES flag is ignored.

RTSC_Height - (ULONG) Suggested height of screenmode requester

RTSC_OkText - (char *) Replacement text for "Ok" gadget, max 6
    chars long.

RTSC_MinWidth - (UWORD) The minimum display width allowed.

RTSC_MaxWidth - (UWORD) The maximum display width allowed.

RTSC_MinHeight - (UWORD) The minimum display height allowed.

RTSC_MaxHeight - (UWORD) The maximum display height allowed.

RTSC_MinDepth - (UWORD) The minimum display depth allowed. Modes
    with a minimum display depth lower than this value will not be
    included in the list.

RTSC_MaxDepth - (UWORD) The maximum display depth allowed.

RTSC_PropertyFlags - (ULONG) A mode must have these property flags
    to be included. Only bits set in RTSC_PropertyMask are

RTSC_PropertyMask - (ULONG) Mask to apply to RTSC_PropertyFlags to
    determine which bits to consider. See use of 'newsignals' and
    'signalmask' in exec.library/SetSignal(). Default is to
    consider all bits in RTSC_PropertyFlags as significant.

RTSC_FilterFunc - (struct Hook *) Call this hook for each display
    mode id in the system's list. Parameters are as follows:

    A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
    A2 - (struct rtScreenModeRequester *) your req
    A1 - (ULONG) 32-bit extended mode id

    If your hook returns TRUE the mode will be accepted. If it
    returns FALSE the mode will be skipped and will not appear in
    the requester.


ret - FALSE if the requester was canceled or TRUE if the user
    selected a screen mode (check 'smreq->DisplayID' for the 32-bit
    extended display mode, 'smreq->DisplayWidth' and
    'smreq->DisplayHeight' for the display size,
    'smreq->DisplayDepth' for the screen's depth).


Automatically adjusts the requester to the screen font.

If the requester got too big for the screen because of a very large
font, the topaz.font will be used.

rtScreenModeRequest() checks the pr_WindowPtr of your process to
find the screen to put the requester on.


none known



VOID rtScreenToFrontSafely(
         struct Screen * screen );


Brings the specified screen to the front of the display, but only after
checking it is still in the list of currently open screens.

This function can be used to bring a screen back to the front of the
display after bringing another screen to the front.  If the first screen
closed while you where busy it is harmless to call this function, unlike
calling the normal ScreenToFront().


screen  --  pointer to the screen




This function is for the advanced ReqTools user.


none known



void rtSetReqPosition(
         ULONG reqpos,
         struct NewWindow * nw,
         struct Screen * scr,
         struct Window * win );


Sets newwindow->LeftEdge and newwindow->TopEdge according to reqpos.

Except for the left- and topedge 'newwindow' must already be
completely initialized.

The newwindow->LeftEdge and newwindow->TopEdge already in the
NewWindow structure will be used as offsets to the requested
position. If you'd like a window at position (25,18) from the top
left of the screen you would fill newwindow->LeftEdge with 25,
newwindow->TopEdge with 18 and call rtSetReqPosition() with reqpos

Don't forget to make sure newwindow->LeftEdge and newwindow->TopEdge
are 0 if you don't want to offset your window.

In case of REQPOS_POINTER you can use them to point to your window's
hotspot, where the pointer should point. If you call
rtSetReqPosition() with the left- and topedge equal to 0 you'd get
a window appearing with its top- and leftedge equal to the current
pointer position.

Note that the screen pointer may _NOT_ be NULL. If you have your
own window open you can supply yourwindow->WScreen to this function.

The window pointer is only required if reqpos is REQPOS_CENTERWIN or
REQPOS_TOPLEFTWIN. Even in this case you may call rtSetReqPosition()
with a NULL window pointer. The positions will simply fall back to


reqpos - one of the REQPOS_... constants usable with RT_ReqPos.
newwindow - pointer to your (already initialized) NewWindow
screen - pointer to screen the requester will appear on.
window - pointer to parent window or NULL.




This function is for the advanced ReqTools user.


none known

See also

RT_ReqPos tag



VOID rtSetWaitPointer(
         struct Window * window );


Change the pointer image to that of a wait pointer. This function should
be called when your program is busy for a longer period of time.

It is recommended you call this function before calling any of the
requester functions.  This way if the user clicks in your window he will
know he must respond to the requester before doing anything else.  Also
see the RT_WaitPointer tag for an automatic way of setting the wait
pointer.  If you are using ReqTools V38+ check out the RT_LockWindow tag!


window  --  pointer to the window to receive the wait pointer




The wait pointer will look exactly like the standard Workbench 2.0
wait pointer. In combination with PointerX, ClockTick or
LacePointer the handle will turn.


none known

See also

rtEZRequestA() (RT_WaitPointer and RT_LockWindow tags) rtLockWindow()



VOID rtSpread(
         ULONG * posarray,
         ULONG * sizearray,
         ULONG totalsize,
         ULONG min,
         ULONG max,
         ULONG num );


Evenly spread a number of objects over a certain length.
Primary use is for arrangement of gadgets in a window.


posarray - pointer to array to be filled with positions.
sizearray - pointer to array of sizes.
totalsize - total size of all objects (sum of all values in
min - first position to use.
max - last position, first _NOT_ to use.
num - number of objects (size of posarray and sizearray).




'sizearray' holds following values: 4, 6, 4, 2 and 8,
'totalsize' is 24 (= 4 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 8),
'min' is 3, 'max' is 43,
and finally, 'num' is 5.

After calling rtSpread() 'posarray' would hold the following
values: 3, 11, 19, 26 and 31.

My attempt at a visual representation:

    |                                            |
    |  |                                      |  |
    |  OOOO    OOOOOO    OOOO    OO    OOOOOOOO  |
    |  |                                      |  |
    |         1    1    2    2    3    3    4    4


This function is for the advanced ReqTools user.


none known



VOID rtUnlockPrefs();

See also




VOID rtUnlockWindow(
         struct Window * window,
         APTR windowlock );


Unlock a window previously locked with rtLockWindow(). The window
will once again accept user input and will get its original mouse
pointer back (default or custom).

Under Kickstart V39 or higher the original window pointer will not
be restored if it was set using SetWindowPointer(). You will have to
restore the pointer yourself in this case.


window - pointer to the window to be unlocked.
windowlock - the windowlock pointer returned by rtLockWindow(), may
    be NULL.




The mouse pointer has to be set back manually for now.


none known

See also
