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AROS Application Development Manual -- Libraries




This guide has its last major revision begin November 2006. Changes to the build system after this date will not be reflected in this guide.

Building an AROS library

Another type of binary often built for AROS is a shared library. First a basic skeleton will be given of how to build a library; some handy extensions will follow.

Basic library skeleton

A shared library is built with the %build_module macro with a line like this:

%build_module mmake=MetaTarget modname=mylib modtype=library files=SourceFiles

This macro can build different AROS module types, like devices, Zune classes, HIDDs, etc., but in this text the focus is on shared libraries. Therefore, the assumption is that you specify the modtype=library parameter.

The mmake and the files parameter act the same as for the %build_prog macro. Additionally to the meta-target MetaTarget and MetaTarget-quick, also meta-targets MetaTarget-includes, MetaTarget-includes-quick and MetaTarget-linklib are defined. This allows to build just a subset of all the files normally generated. They will most of the time be used to specify dependencies.

For building a shared library, more information is necessary than is given in the %build_module macro. That extra information is stored in another file that by default is called mylib.conf when modname=mylib is specified. This file can contain a lot of information but for brevity only a minimal example is shown. More information can be found in the reference section of the %build_module macro. Here is an example .conf file:

##begin config
version 1.0
##end config

##begin functionlist
void func1(LONG a, LONG b)
int func2(char *s, ULONG a)
##end functionlist

As you can see this is a file with two sections, each section starting with ##begin sectionname and ending with ##end sectionname. The section config is for providing the information about the library that AROS needs to use the shared library and for giving options to influence the type of module that will be built. In-depth discussion can be found in the reference section. The functionlist section gives a list of functions that will be included in the library; the list consist of the function prototypes. The order of the list is important because it will determine the location of the function in the lookup table. Empty lines are important as well, as an empty in this list will cause an empty slot in the table. Lines start with one '#' character are considered comments, and are ignored without causing empty slots in the library's lookup table.

If all this information is present and you then execute the command make MetaTarget the following files will be generated ($(AROSDIR) corresponds with the directory for the binary tree):

  • $(AROSDIR)/Libs/mylib.library: the module itself
  • several include files in $(AROSDIR)/Development/include, with the main include file proto/mylib.h. The latter file can be included, for the function prototypes, in code using the library.
  • $(AROSDIR)/Development/lib/libmylib.a: a static link library that can be linked to other code and that can take care of auto-opening the library and contains stub functions. When these functions are called it will redirect to the code in the library using the lookup table in the libbase.

Using non-standard types

In the example given above, standard C variable type or standard exec types were used for the arguments of the function. If you want to use your own types or types defined in other include files, you will need to take extra steps. This can be done in the cdef section, as shown in this example of using a extra include file:

##begin config
##end config

##begin cdef
#include <exec/semaphores.h>
##end cdef

##begin functionlist
BOOL func3(struct SignalSemaphore *sig)
##end functionlist

The lines in the cdef structures are normal C code and they will be included in the generated include files before the library's function prototypes. You could also define your own structure like this:

##begin cdef
struct MyStruct
##end cdef

##begin functionlist
int func4(struct MyStruct *sig)
##end functionlist

When doing it this way the structure definition will be included in the generated include files. The recommended way to do this in AROS, however, is to have a separate header file for the definition, and then include that header file. One way to do this is to define your own file, named libraries/mylib.h, with the following contents:


struct MyStruct


#endif /* __LIBRARIES_MYLIB_H */

This file is then copied as explained in another paragraph and then simply included by the cdef section:

##begin cdef
#include <libraries/mylib.h>
##end cdef

Functions with m68k register passing

The functions put into the library vector table up to now were regular C functions. In the Amiga m68k days the parameters for library functions most of the time were passed in registers and not on the stack. For backwards compatibility it's possible to define functions where the arguments are passed in m68k registers. When your library is compiled for m68k it will use the specified registers, on other architectures different conventions will be used either by using registers available on that CPU or by using stack-based argument passing. Defining a function with m68k registers is done by adding the registers to the line in the function list and using macros for the header of the function in the source code. The line in the functionlist looks as follows:

##begin functionlist
ULONG func5(ULONG a, STRPTR b) (D0,A0)
##end functionlist

And the function in the source code is defined as follows:

AROS_LH2(ULONG, func5,
    AROS_LHA(ULONG, a, D0),
    AROS_LHA(STRPTR, b, A0),
    struct Library *, MylibBase, 9, Mylib



This macro has the name AROS_LHn with n the number of arguments passed to the function. The macros has the following arguments:

  • The function return type
  • The name of the function
  • The list of function arguments using the AROS_LHA(vartype, varname, register) macro. vartype is the type of the argument, varname is the name of the argument and register the m68k register to use. The register is specified as D0-D7 for numeric arguments and A0-A5 for pointer arguments (A6 and A7 are reserved for other purposes).
  • The library base type. When you have not defined your own libbase type as explained in this paragraph
  • The variable for the libbase, which can be used in the function for accessing the libbase
  • The number of the vector in the vector table. For libraries the first function in the functionlist has number 5, the next 6 and so on. Although this information is not necessary, because the functionlist in the .conf already determines this number, it's still required for legacy reasons.
  • The base name of the library. If this is not overridden in the config section of the .conf file it is equal to the name given to the modname parameter with the first letter capitalized.

Using an extended libbase

On AROS and other Amiga-like systems every shared library has a library base. The base of a library contains the vector table and some data about the library used by the OS. It can also be extended with user-defined data. This can be done by providing your own C struct for the type of the libbase. There are two config options that let you decide the type of the libbase:

##begin config
libbasetype struct MyLibIntBase
libbasetypeextern struct MyLibBase
##end config

libbasetype is the type used internal in the library code, this type also decides how much memory is allocated for the libbase. If this type is not given struct Library is taken as default. libbasetypeextern is the type by external programs using your library. Here too, struct Library is used as the default type. Both the internal and the external type have to start with a struct Library structure. If an external type is specified, the first part of the internal type has to be the same as the external type.

To keep libraries backwards compatible, the external type of a library can not be changed. Once a version of the library is released into the public, the only possible modification is too extend the structure. The internal type can be changed at will, provided all internal code of your library is adapted to the new internal library structure.

The external type also has be exported to the users of your library. This is the same as the usage of other non-standard types. On the other hand, the internal type is not meant to be exported to the users, which is why a cdefprivate section can be put in the config file. This way the library initialization code has all the information about your internal type without having the internal structure publicly exported. A common convention is to declare your internal structures in mylib_intern.h and then include this in the cdefprivate section. The mylib_intern.h would then include the following code:

struct MyLibIntBase
    struct Library base;


And the config file the following section:

##begin cdefprivate
#include "mylib_intern.h"
##end cdefprivate

Using a per-opener libbase

So far, in each case only one libbase would be created for a library. All users who opened the library would get a pointer to the same library base. Sometimes there's an advantage in having data that differs per opener of the library. This can be accomplished by using a special option in the config section:

##begin config
options peropenerbase
##end config

The use of a base per opener of the library does not make much sense when not using an extended libbase. Also, currently the only way to pass the libbase to the functions of the library is to use m68k register passing. (Development is under way to also be able to get the libbase in library functions using the normal C argument passing). You could also add the libbase as an explicit argument to the function but this is not encouraged.


On AROS the need for extended libbases is much less then on classic AmigaOS. On classic AmigaOS it was discouraged to use global variables in the library and to use the libbase for storing variables. On AROS global variables are handled fine so the use of an extended libbase is only needed for using a per-opener libbase.

Library initialization

In some cases, some initialization should be performed when a library is loaded or when it is opened. For this, the same mechanism as for programs can be used through the ADD2INIT and ADD2EXIT, as in the next example:

static int InitFunc(void)

static void ExitFunc(void)

ADD2INIT(InitFunc, 0);
ADD2EXIT(ExitFunc, 0);

When this code in added to a source file, the code in InitFunc will be executed when the library is initialized and the code in ExitFunc when the library is expunged. The return value of InitFunc indicates success or failure, with a zero (== FALSE) value indicating a failure to initialize, and the library will be unloaded again and not be usable. The ExitFunc should not be able to fail, and thus has no return value.

Often part of the libbase should be initialized, and therefore the methods discussed above are not appropriate. For libraries, additional ways are available for adding initialization or clean-up code:

static int InitFunc(struct Library *lh);
ADD2INITLIB(InitFunc, 0);

static int ExpungeFunc(struct Library *lh);
ADD2EXPUNGELIB(ExpungeFunc, 0);

static int OpenFunc(struct Library *lh);
ADD2OPENLIB(OpenFunc, 0);

static void CloseFunc(struct Library *lh);
ADD2CLOSELIB(CloseFunc, 0);

The InitFunc function will be called once during initialization and the ExpungeFunc once during expunge of the module. OpenFunc and CloseFunc functions are called respectively every time the module is opened or closed. InitFunc, ExpungeFunc and OpenFunc return a value indicating the success of the function. If InitFunc fails, the module will be expunged, if OpenFunc fails, the opening of the library will fail, and if ExpungeFunc fails, expunging the library will be delayed. If the latter happens, the next time the expunge will be tried, again all registered functions for expunge will be called. This means that if more then one function is registered and the second function returns 0, the first function will be called a second time the next time AROS tries to expunge the module. If you implement an ExpungeFunc that can return a 0, you also have to be sure that other ExpungeFuncs may be called more then once.

If you look at the ADD2...LIB macros above, you can also see that next to the function name there is an extra number. This number indicates the priority to call the function. A InitFunc or OpenFunc with a higher number will be called after one with a lower number. For CloseFunc and ExpungeFunc the opposite order is used, e.g. higher numbers are called before lower numbers. The number is a signed byte, which means it must have a value from -128 to 127. Usually, this value can be kept at 0.

If a per-opener base is used, a copy will be made of your libbase every time the module is opened. InitFuncs will be called before the copy so initialization of values in the libbase will be seen by all the openers. OpenFuncs are called after the copy of the libbase and changes made to libbase are thus private to the opener.

Copying include files

When writing a library, extra includes often have to be provided that can be included by the programs using your library by using #include <...> in the code. For this purpose a copy_includes macro is available. In the following line the arguments are given for the macro with the default values:

%copy_includes mmake=includes-copy includes=$(INCLUDE_FILES) path=. dir=

The arguments of the macro are as follows:

Some examples to make this more clear:

Using non-core libraries in programs or libraries

Before programs or other libraries can use a library that is not part of the core AROS libraries, they have to add it to the list of libraries to use, by using the uselibs argument for the %build_prog or the build_module macro. So if you want your program to use the mylib library you have to do it like this:

%build_prog ... uselibs=mylib

For a library it looks the same:

%build_module ... uselibs=mylib