AROS resources
- Power2People is a grass roots support group for AROS.
- AROS World is the user community website.
- AROS software archive
- AROS software on Aminet
- AROS news brings news including distributions and forks.
- Development statistics from
- Planet AROS aggregates various blogs
- AROS on Wikipedia
- AROS documentation on WikiBooks
- Bszili's ports
- Serk118uk's ports
Youtube channels
Some Youtube channels which are either dedicated to AROS or report regularly about it.
Name | Description |
Kalamatee | AROS developer Kalamatee |
AROS & AxRuntime | Deadwood's channel about AxRuntime and software for AROS |
AROS One | AROS One distribution maintainer |
Paolo Besser | Icaros distribution maintainer |
Dan Wood | |
Proteque-CBN | |
James Mattson |
Articles about AROS
Title | Author | Date |
"Linux cousins: Reviewing AROS" | Bryan Lunduke | 2015-10-21 |
"Onboard the Last Train to Amiga Neverland" | Dmitar Butrovski | 2006-09-13 |
"If you like Amiga, you'll love AROS" | Elwood | Unknown |
If you know some article about AROS that we haven't mentioned listed, please contact us so we can add it. Thanks.
Articles that mention AROS
Title | Author | Date |
"Climbing the Kernel Mountain" | Emmanuel Marty | 2002-08-13 |
"10 best alternative operating systems" | PC Plus | unknown |
If you know some article that mentions AROS that we haven't listed here, please contact us so we can add it. Thanks.