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If you are a user wanting to try AROS, please use the links in the Distributions section to download a fully-featured AROS distribution. The nightly builds you will find at the bottom of the page are only meant for developers and testers. The nightly builds are not configured to be easily used, are not always stable, and they are missing most of the applications essential to a regular user experience.



Distributions are pre-configured, and tested, versions of AROS. They contain a lot of useful 3rd party applications that don't come with the default binaries, and will be of great interest to users.

They often may not have the latest core system components, but should offer better stability and user-friendliness than the nightly builds. If you are a user interested in checking what AROS has to offer, you are highly recommended to use distributions, to get the most complete AROS experience.


arosone logo AROS One is a x86 distribution which is based on Deadwood's ABI v0 release. Additionally there's a preview of a 68k version.


tinyaros logo Tiny AROS is distribution for x86 systems based on ABIv0 that looks like the workbench 3.1. It installs in a few minutes but contains all the relevant software of the current scene. You can download extra packages separately.

Icaros Desktop LIVE!

icaros-logo Icaros Desktop LIVE! is a complete distribution of the AROS desktop operating system for x86 based PC's. It comes on a bootable live DVD-ROM or CD-ROM that runs directly on your PC (its hardware components must already be supported by AROS) or in a virtual machine such as VMWare or VirtualBox. It can be installed on the hard drive and can coexist with installed OSes such as Microsoft Windows, in a dedicated partition. A quick reference guide and some AROS PDF manuals are included.

AROS Vision

The AROS Vision distribution is targeted at real M68k Amigas. For the best experience, a powerful Amiga or an emulator such as WinUAE is recommended.


aspireos-logo AspireOS is a lightweight distribution, originally designed for x86 based netbooks such as the Acer Aspire One. It tries to keep things as simple as possible. The programs included are well tested.

If your distribution isn't listed but you feel it should be, contact the AROS Dev Team.

Nightly Builds (ABIv1)

Nightly builds are done, as the name implies, every night, directly from the Git repository, and they contain the latest code. However, they have not been tested in any way and may contain bugs. Most of the time, though, they work just fine. Download link

These builds are based on sources of the new ABI. They are not compatible with existing AROS distributions or with the AROS software available from The AROS Archives or Aminet.

Please report bugs you may discover while using these builds through the issue tracker. For any other necessity, please feel free to contact us through the AROSWorld forums.

Snapshots (ABIv1)

Snapshots are non-periodic, non-automated builds of AROS. They are done by developers who can't set up a nightly build for some reason. Download link

These ports are not unmaintained, so please use the issue tracker to report bugs.

Snapshots (ABIv0)

As with the nightly builds we keep a set of snapshots which are based on sources of the ABIv0 branch on a separate download page. Download link