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AROS resources

Youtube channels

Some Youtube channels which are either dedicated to AROS or report regularly about it.

Name Description
Kalamatee AROS developer Kalamatee
AROS & AxRuntime Deadwood's channel about AxRuntime and software for AROS
AROS One AROS One distribution maintainer
Paolo Besser Icaros distribution maintainer
Dan Wood  
James Mattson  

Articles about AROS

Title Author Date
"Linux cousins: Reviewing AROS" Bryan Lunduke 2015-10-21
"Onboard the Last Train to Amiga Neverland" Dmitar Butrovski 2006-09-13
"If you like Amiga, you'll love AROS" Elwood Unknown

If you know some article about AROS that we haven't mentioned listed, please contact us so we can add it. Thanks.

Articles that mention AROS

Title Author Date
"Climbing the Kernel Mountain" Emmanuel Marty 2002-08-13
"10 best alternative operating systems" PC Plus unknown

If you know some article that mentions AROS that we haven't listed here, please contact us so we can add it. Thanks.

Homepages of developers