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AROS.ORG Forum Software Bounties


A great way to show your support for AROS, and one that we actively encourage, is to link from your own website to this website one. Feel free to use one of the following nice banners for this purpose.

Image Author
/images/aros-banner.gif Cyb0rg / Resistance
/images/aros-banner2.png S33k_100
/images/aros-banner-blue.png S33k_100
/images/aros-banner-pb2.png Paolo Besser
/images/aros-banner-peta.png Petr Novak

Alternatively, there are also signature banners for use on forums:

Image Author
/images/aros-sigbar-user.png S33k_100
/images/aros-sigbar-coder.png S33k_100

Please link directly to Also, please make a local copy of the image to reduce bandwidth usage.